Hey everyone, this retard shill is trying to convince everyone that the pope runs the world
Just don't mention the Rothschilds, like Q pointed at.
As long as we don't mention the Jews, we are allowed to attack anyone we want.
Nicodemus said to Jesus that they believed he was from God, but wouldn't accept it because they were so arrogant they viewed themselves as the gods of mankind. Therefore God is an enemy to them. And Jews to this day believe they are the gods of mankind.
Hence the Harvest.
>Jew = Dieu
Interesting, first time I've heard that one.
They are so arrogant, they think a fucking wire saves them from their own rules.
One of the comments on the video
"I had to deal with an Eruv line in North Hollywood, CA while doing street construction. There were even special requirements and meetings required for the project to assure the Eruv line was not damaged."
Is it any fucking coincidence that's in Adam Schiffs district?
Everyone remember this Q post and how the kikes freaked out over it?
Fucking dirtbag hypocrites are everywhere. Soon, Earth will be cleansed of them. We are headed into a very difficult time.
We are fighting an evil propaganda machine, with truth.
Yes, making up his own rules. What a fucking tyrant.
It's comms.
Peel back the layers, and a rotten jew is at the core.
What's your source? THe talmud?
They live in fear that the general population will learn the truth.
Must suck to be them.