>Oh fug, wrong device!
Top fucking kek.
Tranny baker giving himself a little pep-talk like a fucking faggot
>Oh fug, wrong device!
Top fucking kek.
Tranny baker giving himself a little pep-talk like a fucking faggot
>Leave Anime Baker alone, he is saint.
>Leave Anime Baker alone, he is saint.
Tranime baker is a faggot and a cunt
Just neck yourself already, shitstain
>I am truly apologetic and sorry for any actions I have committed against you.
The fucking confected melodrama
Can you just GTFO or KYS like really soon
>Did she just admit Michelle is Michael?Good job Alyssa, go in hiding with lots of security now. And make sure the place you go has lots of pigs
That's a fake Milano acc drawing attention to the the fact that Elon just removed everyone's checkmark