Trump should tell everyone here illegall they have 60 days to get affairs in order, self deport or get deported. Tell all countries that they should have harsh penalties for any of their citizens who commit illegal crossings in home cou try if sent back. Tell all countries that any usa aid will be withheld and demand all money lost to their citizens being incarcerated will be expected paid back, full acounting of any costs in usa for food stamps, medical, hospital, car accidents, anything, all will be on a ledger. Give them all ample warning to self deport, and if caught returning fully banned from ever legally entering. Make it very clear no illeglas, go home. Make it a monetary threat to each country to keep law and order before the crosser even consider coming, harsh deportations coming and financial paybacks from every nation/country will be leined against the home country. Arrests, deportation , no return, fines, all owed for past decades. Hold home country acccountable so that home country will incentives to keepmtheir own people in check and when deported they punish the lawbreakers in home country. Money talks. Make a huge campaign about it. Tell them all to make plans as it is coming soon. If theyncry and say we have American kids and it will be somhard onthem as thye don't speak any other language, wel. Boo hoo, their parents came heree NOT speaking English and thye made it her, well, their kids can have a brave future story how they made it in new country speaki g only english, flip that sob story shit. No more falling for the sob stories. Leave the kids or take them. Your problem. You, the illegal did it to your family, we did not.
Anyhow, just the promise to recoup monies lost due to each illegal, there will be a ledger and see it through. Make home cluntry realize we mean business, pay back the financial damages for each person, self deport or be deported which will bar you from re-entry. Your choice. When home countries realize they will be on the hook with interest and NO aid at all if not keeping their people from comi g illegaaly, not setting up harsh penalties in home cpuntry, well boo hoo.
Every nation will comply when Trump puts the HAMMER down on law and order. Tight, but right. I hope Trump team sees this and makes it a thing even harsher than i just wrote. I beleive at least 70% maybe even more, Americans will agree even if they won't say it out loud. We want severe change and laws enforced and made iron clad.
Self deport or else and put sharp ass teeth on it all. Emplyers fined and jailed in usa if they hire or help illegals in any way. Have a website updating daily of arrests and fines imposed. MAKE A SPECTACLE OF IT ALL DAILY. Fully transparent of real action reversing decades of fraud. No matter how uncomfortable anyone is made. Everyone will be so glad to see hjis happen and can tangibly see it going down. People will have hope that rules, laws and justice truly still exist. Finally.