>Go away you odious mental midget.
NIce projection, as always Shmuel!
Selfie? KYS KIKE brat!
BS, you don't know shit Jhonny boi!
I don't get one cent for what I do here!
It's about other things, of which you hook-nosed bastards understand nothing, you never have!
Brain-dead hooknosed Mongrel Theory! KMFAO!
Bitchslap No.1
If you want to know who is responsible for the start abort of Space Shit, check out the red marked posts and timestamps in the Bread 22954!
This brain-dead bunch of rat-faced bastards and faggots here are gatekeepers, nothing else!
Let's see which of my posts hurt these little fuckwits!
Uncensored Truth!
Bitchslap No.2
Bang Bang I shut you down Bang Bang
Check out the red marked posts and timestamps in Bread 22973!
Get it fucking inferior Gatekeepers?
Filthy fucks got a Bitchslap again!
Uncensored Truth 22973
Clever, KIMAO:!
>Admiral Captin Dirk
Aye, thx KMFAO:!
>Do a planefag for the keks
Let me see if there's anything there.
>The #8 = NWO to [them] and #17 = Osiris.
What these brain-dead Jew kids always have with their number games, really sick!
>Because complaining without offering a solution is called whining.
I told you filthy brain-dead fuckwits many times, but you didn' listen, that's your problem!
Now you filthy fuckwits will hav eto pay the price!
at GOAT Hill again, KMFAO:!
What these sick bastards have been doing to me for 45 years probably puts everything else in the shade!
What does that have to do with my post you inferior sprout?
Spambot Kike, filtered!
I don't care, fucking inferior Gatekeeper!
There are far more important things than this jumping jack!
STFU hooknosed mongrel, lying Kike bratling!
Nice projection filthy inferior Kike!
This is the only solution, 4-6% of the population ww are filthy hooknosed rats!
>you really are a stupid cunt aren't you?
Project moar filthy brat!
>I can't wait til u drop dead.
Not Grabbler? KMFAO:
She was a hoknosed khazarian Bastard inferior fuckwits!
Have fun Kike boys!
Final check! Oh Birdie Man hooknose is on deck!
KMAO: deleted?
Kikemerica ill, not strong!