please dont be a bot or a nut case, but if time forms cubes, does time create the 3 dimensions of space or in other points 6 depending on how you create a cube but the north south east west and then up and down. I was just thinking about this shit.
369 all are on the sefirot. which form metatrons cube which also is representation of this material world and as time is also a cube if it has six points. So is Time a Cube and the 3D space a cube or is it all the same cube and you just side step out of time and back in. how do you avoid collision detection?
you see the destination before you arrive?
happens is where you arrive so either you are driving the potential or you are a passenger to the potential. If you can side step the potential does the potential pause does the linear time move on or can you then step into the past as the present from the past is now caught up to the present. Thinking of this as a linear train idea traveling through time but you take a bit out and can put it at the head of the car or the back of the car.
what happens where you step back in and where are you then.