Innocent until proven guilty - then execute the bastard…
I prefer normal size tits to be honest - proportions and curves. Not too aggressive B-Spline.
100% - and those bitches that were dancing around in masks with empty wards, while people died - many in isolation from their families.
These people are reliving the HITLER medical tyranny years.
Class Action lawsuits and bounty hunters for Fauci.
They are ugly enough to be mother daughter demonic witches.
Trust but verify… zero validation so far.
Pissing around the trunk helps remove the stump with softer ground.
Only a man can define what a women means to him… Woman are bat shit crazy after being blitzed by feminist propaganda for decades - they have no sense of reality.
Go drink your budweiner piss and be happy in your delusions.
She would have been better of putting her own ugly mug shot on the beer - it would have put off less people.
Raised by social media lefties.
Flynn is no longer trustworthy - he has delivered no results.