I wish i could of grown up in a military school.
I had to grown up around dirty ass illegal mexicans and gang ass black people who wanted to fight you every fucking day cause they knew they were pieces of shit.
The teachers wouldnt stop the people from picking on me.
1 of 9 white people.
To make a long story short, I almost brought a shot gun to school to kill everybody, I couldnt take it anymore.
parents just said to stick up for myself.
even had to changed schools in high school after getting hit in the head with a beer bottle for getting first place in a track run called the section, I got first place every time, they decided that i wasnt going to win that time.
I got horrible grades cause all i could think about was having to get home and not be jumped after the bus every few days.
that was in the mid to late 90's
My kids are home schooled, instead of having to conform to a low IQ all inclusive progressive public school, where people send their low IQ animal kids and dont give a fuck.