>“These people are sick” ~Q
>That Connecticut is ranked the highest state is also interesting considering Connecticut's history with corporations and how that relates the the The Corporate Psychopath Theory of Economic Collapse.
>@5:40 MIN Top forensic psychiatrist says that CNN needs to answer for how IT CONTRIBUTES to [PSYCHOPATHY]
Washington, D.C.: the Psychopath Capital of America
A new study ranks each state, plus D.C., by their psychopathic tendencies. The race for first? It isn’t even close.
If [THIS] sounds like a pattern, it is: The psychopath/nonpsychopath binary matches up, with a few exceptions, with the urban/rural divide, although there’s still disagreement among experts as to why.
Most people IGNORANT OF HISTORY don't even realize that the original meaning of the word "PAGAN*" is simply "country folk." It only became a purgative after the Roman Church distorted Christ's teachings and declared "War against the Pagans" in much the same way the Deep State (and the city folk mentality that it fosters) NOW has co-opted the "War on Terror" to demonize and criminalize freedom loving, INDIVIDUALLY SOVEREIGN Americans in "fly over country" who just want to be left alone. (SEE MEME)
*Like the word “liberal” today, the word "pagan" lost its original meaning several centuries ago leading up to the fall of ROME. This is very important to understand, particularly by those of us who value the ideas of Liberty, property rights, and "localism."
PAGAN is derived from the Latin word "Paganus" and originally meant "region delimited by markers" and later "of or relating to the countryside", "country dweller", "villager", or "country folk." It derives from pagus ("district", "province"), is related to pangere ("to fix", "to fasten"), and ultimately comes from PIE *pag- ("to fix").
Later these ordinary "citizens" who were "fixed" to their land would become known as "pagan heretics" (or "free thinking citizens") by the Roman military in their imperial conquest for food, land, and resources. The "War on Pagans" declared by the Roman oligarchy was no different than the corporate government today declaring the "War on Terror" as a perpetual pretext to criminalize political dissidents, the vast majority of which are free thinking American citizens and “country folk” who still use COMMON SENSE.