I am very pleased to report that many of the people at the Drug Detox facility I work at who is 23-35 are UNVAXXED. They worked with patients having Covid the whole time and some got it and got over it and the people who got the sickest were the people who were vaxxed. I am so pleasently surprised when I talk with them and find out they are not going to get it. Some of the girls are going into nursing school and they still require the vaxx. One girl is going to get her booster soon, shes black. and one girl is still hesitant to get it and really doesn't want to for school, so I offered her a Vaccine card that I printed off of here. You guys helped save this girls life. She is a gorgeous, vibrant young lady but her last name is Silverberg so not perfect. But I thank you Anons for helping her avoid the death jab while the black girl who is in a shitty mood every day is getting boosted. I am going to try and talk her out of it, or have her friends talk her out of it, but as they say 4-6% lost forever.
It was the 90's he was Preppie Grunge
Because of his prep school dick, get a clue.