heavy cloud cover from indiana to new england while aurora might be visible here.
never fucking fails…
heavy cloud cover from indiana to new england while aurora might be visible here.
never fucking fails…
>She's really a lughead for as far as she's gotten.
kinda proves she was never anything more than a puppet. a useful idiot. they got the idiot part right.
>t is “unlawful” for any Russian citizens or entities to handle the US technology."….
that's almost as idiotic as charging a soldier with murder on a battlefield.
>he-man women haters
what about you she-man misandristic man haters??? you get a free pass?
>But why the double standards?
continue to demonstrate your lack of comprehension or critical thinking skills.
this is NOT a double standard.
how can it be a double standard if everyone is treated as genderless anon?
>If an anon wants to talk about his wife or his GF, he is never harassed about that.
got proof?
btw, you just provided a counter example, you stupid twat.
>you show me proof
(((YOU))) are the one making extraordinary claims. the burden of proof is on (((YOU))).
>I have no time for your bullshit
TRANSLATION: i am unable to refute your argument so i will deflect and attack your hominem.
i don't need to go to qresear.ch for proof, idjit, (((YOU))) are attacking right now.
>Search for: "wife anon" (708 Results)
does that prove none of them ever got grief?
aksing for a fren….