kek yeah many don't know that there's a legit unironic reason she's half's sweetheart
>suicided 8 for no good reason
Even to this day you can't be sure there weren't/aren't outside forces at play here that put him in a bind.
The same thing can be said about QR's OG BO 8bit.
What made him quit out of the blue like that?
Truly his decision or outside forces once again?
I'm talking about before that in '19 when he handed to the board to FJ.
That later history factors in as well, but things were sailing along fine in '19 then BOOM he quits.
Was spoopy then and still spoopy now.
/pol/ dijjies are real dijjies and pulling trips when singles was all that was needed to stop the end of the world is bad news indeed.
And the story was he did it because he was big mad at Jim about decisions he made re: other boards.
>this is in fact a boobs board
All the Homegrown are gone.
What's left is the stale soft parn.
OP is right - QR is Precipissy, too, these days.
There are a lot of other places I do the still here thing at that suck as well.
It's an absolute state out there.
QR hasn't had many of those.
Plenty of Professional Shitpoasters have graced this room tho.
Not everybody is fortunate enough to have their own Sheriff Chitwood, Anon.
Plenty of bums out there everywhere else.
There are some omnishifters here all the time.
Or, at least they are during all the random timeframe 1-2 bread visits I make these days.
They're the ones that have mental health issues - I pray for them.
No longer via the method many appreciated.
As an anon using just words/memes?
Prolly not much as most oldfags are lurkers/gonezo at this point.
This is the pic leftypol remnants are currently using to torture /pol/.
It's everywhere there like kudzu.
Well, Pearl, it looks like you were the Dopey one.
The R Fags and The @POTUS_Schedule Fags.
The 2 most annoying subgroups ever.
Professional shitheads very tough to argue with.
Not because they were right, but because they would talk you in circles.
Gotta give credit to those assholes for that.
That's crazy if they're doing that.
Those femanons might be trannys.
That's why the Timestamp rule was put into place back in the day here.