Why do liberals like to reinterpret everything as gay? If you google any book title along with "gay", SOMEONE out there wrote an article about how that story's actually a secret gay story.
Shakespear, Tolkien, Homer, everyone. It's so annoying.
Why do liberals like to reinterpret everything as gay? If you google any book title along with "gay", SOMEONE out there wrote an article about how that story's actually a secret gay story.
Shakespear, Tolkien, Homer, everyone. It's so annoying.
what am i supposed to do? yabba-dabba-doo my IP protocol into a matrix index then pirate a http signal into my tor clone?
Are there any youtube channels of hot women talking about the bible?
it's so weird that you're spamming Shakespeare quotes, but I'm sittin' here debating whether to buy a bunch of Shakespeare plays off Amazon.