>what the plan ~~ even ~~ is
>>18741482 pb
>A lot of the books in the survival library are from early 1900's when they had to handle their own survival, I guess. I wasn't there. kek. But I'll take old school over this new shit any day.
>For the entire survival library: It's fukken LOADED. Even teaches us how to brew n distill. There's electrical work, caring for livestock, a whole section of ARMY medical courses and even embalming <barfs>. There's even knitting, kek. It has eeeeeeverything. I should prolly get to it from a diff computer and download it all there bc no moar room in this one or external drives. I don't want to clear out my meme warehouses. Must … collect … them … all.
>This one is medical botany from the early 1800's:
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