President Trump, declare LGBTQ a religion that worships sex and get it the hell out of our Government. Let them build their sex worship churches and have their sex parades there. Get them the hell away from kids.
President Trump, declare LGBTQ a religion that worships sex and get it the hell out of our Government. Let them build their sex worship churches and have their sex parades there. Get them the hell away from kids.
>Hunter Biden Legal Team
The US government is using our tax dollars to replace us with trustees of total government dependance.
The aliens worship free handouts and tax free income and the predators worship sexual perversions.
LGBTQ is a parasitic species. [They] need to groom your children to reproduce.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the 'how much Elon is pissing off the CCP' barometer. Accurate to within 1 dollar.
[They] already showed us what they worship. Symbolism will be their downfall.
Tommy worships in the church of Marilyn. (The Who - Tommy, the Movie)
Translated '[We] hold the economy and America's credibility hostage and Kevin McCarthy won't pay the ransom.'
It's breaking everywhere. Tucker left FoxNews in the wake of the Dominion Settlement. Tucker didn't get fired.