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guess what you read did not rub off on you. Maybe you should re read it till you are no longer a fucking twat.
I don't give a fuck what you believe in I just personally think you are a shit stain that should end their life so I can laugh about it.
who ever said I was a christian you fucking goat fucking nigger.
my big white mamma said I was christian. OOOOOH scary, guess the ugly shit skins like yourself who smell of shit all the time need to learn better insults. But then again you are a dumb ugly shit skin of a faggot.
oh no a faggot nigger declared I owned myself what shall I do. Oh right I don't care.
I am going to be nice to you nigger and know that you need to feed your ugly ugly shit skin family.
well If you are there I don't want to be around a bunch of smelly niggers like yourself.
I am still trying to figure out how theologians think Job is an older book than Genesis.
I think the reason I was just thinking about it, is that I was listening to something about Ashura and I think that appears in Job. Or maybe it is Kings. If i recall the oldest written individual book we have is Job or is it that because of what is said they are alluding that it is older. So since Genesis was written allegedly by Moses, jobs attribution is elsewhere ?
Do you think the ennuma in terms of narrative fits in with the biblical accounts if you allow in for enoch, and if so does knowing that alter your perception of the other books? Just curious as that seems to be where all this information is directed, and that the modern interpretations are way more off then ever could be imagined.
at some point a parent will snap on these people which is exactly what they want.
keep trying nigger.
reee complain about the state of it. Fuck off.
wow what happened to your so called inquiry of Christianity?
fox news just gutted itself. Kek.