Badass DI.
>but his executive producer did.
Tucker didn't goto DC to review the tapes, his producer did.
McCarthy has since cut off access.
His producer doesn't have physical access to the tapes.
Only what they copied to bring back for shows.
At least to my understanding.
AI dancing in yo head kicking the back of yo eyeballz.
>Get with the program, moran.
If a piss n shit had a pee and shit, you that piece of shit.
>This was posted this morning so I'm pretty confident that this Anon is not even here in this bred right now, but I'm posting my reply because if the good guys and gals on the Q team are watching this bred, they will know that I've posted about my POS connection to network news and the dood's equally scummy and questionable progeny.
^^^^what is this?
Get your limp ass back to wherever you blew in from.
I'm here 24/7/365×4+1
Little fuckin' winnie with no proof still.
Fuck off with your Tucker lies.
buh-bye muh market cap