>>1874330 (lb regarding FTC investigation of DNA companies)
Control of the DNA data of the world is one of the last areas of control before the point of no return. As it stands, JINOs can still be outed, scientifically, as having no blood connection to ancient Semitic Peoples. But, if /they/ own the data and can manipulate it, it will eventually show that the Eastern European/Western Asian JINOs are actually Semitic. This is critical if they are to keep Christians from discovering that they are not the People of the Book.
Is this investigation due to POTUS understanding how dangerous a JINO-manipulated DNA data repository is? Ancestry is also now partially owned by a "private investment" group from London, which has Roths written all over it. Between the two companies, /they/ have a LOT of control over the lies. This is the reason there needs to be MANY companies doing this collection. But, like every other industry, /they/ will work diligently to acquire and merge (think banks, media companies, MIC corporations, etc).