Anonymous ID: e82f6f June 23, 2018, 8:45 a.m. No.1875163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5214 >>5346


1- unless I actually hear Netanyahu say those "fully authenticated" (by whom?) words, it's a smear. Netanyahu has not been an enemy to America in the past 28 years since that quote.


2-While there are Jews in many prominent positions in America and the world some have done good and some have not been good - just like gentiles.


3- Maybe God has blessed this people like He said He would. If you look at the countries who have treated them poorly, that country goes down.


4- They have been the most persecuted most hated group of people in history next to Christians who are currently the most persecuted. Don't be on the wrong side of history and join the punks who have hurt this small but talented people.

Anonymous ID: e82f6f June 23, 2018, 9:20 a.m. No.1875522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5566 >>5581 >>5606 >>5653

They are driving us to a 2nd civil war or a Revolution. This revolution will not be the American Revolution however because the country no longer has the religious, moral, or intellectual framework that they had during the 1700s. It will be the French. We have to tamp down this irrational hatred. This will not end well.


Q, I know you say you have it handled and that the resisters are far fewer than the MSM says - yet, it only took a small minority to kick off the American Revolution. Are you keeping tabs on the temperature of the people? I've been showing the abuses on social media to some of my liberal friends and family and they say nothing. Attacking Barron, Sarah, the rest of POTUS' cabinet, making threats against POTUS and his family - is apparently okay. After 8 years of Hussein and a MSM that has indoctrinated a generation, what's the plan in winning back the Millennials? I don't see right now, as this progresses, how we keep the populace safe and still protect our bill of rights and that is frightening.

Anonymous ID: e82f6f June 23, 2018, 9:32 a.m. No.1875637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5663 >>5693

Q has told us to stay united. And with Normies and Patriots, that is easy. But the hatred we are seeing is like a bunch of ravenous demons. America has been a great nation because she has been a good nation. A great poison has been infecting her populace since - oh, about 1963. Prayer out of schools. 10 commandments gone. JFK killed. Then a continuous spiral of turmoil and tragedy designed to burn the nation to the ground. That is satan's work without a doubt. And yet, here comes POTUS. A blunt man who at first could be offputting and yet, has shown over the past year and a half a great strength of character and compassionate heart. A Patriot. Someone who still believes in America when we've all been told American exceptionalism is a myth. Someone who has brought hope again - and change. The very things Hussein promised to bring but brought just the opposite.


Yet, the country is very sick. It would appear at some points, terminally so. What can make it well again? I don't think Politics alone can do it. A 4th Great Awakening, yes. But what kind of radical surgery will it take to rid us of the malignancy that to this day festers in an attempt to destroy?


Pray for POTUS. Pray for the USA. Pray for good people everywhere.>>1875566