Why was Joe Biden sworn in 10 minutes early?
Donald Trump jr sounds like he's doing an impression of Trump.
I alway filter you when you spam your shitty "meme"s.
I'm pretty sure Barron is destined to be our emperor. There's some time-travelly about that kid.
shill detected and filtered.
KEK. Proof this guy's a shill. He IP hopped. I id+ filtered him and here he is again. Only shills do that. Everyone filter this shill from now.
uh oh, i trigged another shill. everyone filter ID: 07aa78
LB >>18748945 Joe Rogan - What's the Difference Between a Cult and a Religion?
Joe Rogan's a narcissist who is also really dumb.
I hate uncivilized races.
what really bakes your noodle though is that the nazis were the good guys all alongโฆ
do you think the holocaust actually happened? KEK
I know it's a difficult truth to accept, especially for a weak mind. But you must free yourself from the jewish lie. The holocaustโฆ..never happened. Just sit with it, be with it, but eventuallyโฆyou must accept it.
you're believing the jewish lies again. You must free yourself anon. Ask Jesus for guidance.
>who were still under their spell
>then for no reason, the entire country voted Hitler into power - some jewish "historian"
the jewish propaganda has worked well on you. I feel so sorry for your pathetic mind, but Jesus will forgive you.