Anonymous ID: 9725e9 April 26, 2023, 7:33 a.m. No.18755752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5933 >>6162 >>6245 >>6271

Authorities Find 8 Bodies in Cancun Resort as Drug Cartel Violence Rages

April 26, 2023


Eight bodies were found at two different sites in the Mexican resort city Cancun during a coordinated weekend search.


State prosecutor Óscar Montes de Oca Monday said the bodies of five adults were found in a water reservoir in the Cancun suburb Alfredo V. Bonfil, according to a Riviera Maya News report. Police later found bones of three more people in different areas of the same suburb, the report noted.


Fox News further reported:


The bodies were discovered over the weekend about 10 miles from Cancun’s beach and hotel zone after police launched a coordinated effort to search for missing people in wooded lots and even sinkhole ponds, also known as cenotes, Mexican authorities said.


Oscar Montes de Oca, the head prosecutor of the Caribbean coast state of Quintana Roo said five of the bodies were found at an abandoned construction site. Three were subsequently identified as previously reported missing people.


Montes de Oca said authorities estimated the bodies were dumped there between one week and two months ago.


According to the government, more than 112,000 people are listed as missing throughout the country. While crimes are more common in other areas of the country, Cancun and other resorts were typically regarded as safe travel destinations.


Drug cartels have begun disposing of the bodies of their victims in clandestine body dumping grounds, especially as several cartels fight for control of the Caribbean coast and its drug trade.


Authorities carried out similar searches in Felipe Carrillo Puerto, which is about 140 miles south of Cancun.


Volunteers, including the relatives of missing people, assisted investigators in the searches. Search dogs were also used.


Earlier this month, four men were killed in Cancun following a dispute related to drug gang activity. The dead men were found in the city’s hotel zone near the beach.


A U.S. tourist was also shot in the leg in the nearby town of Puerto Morelos in March.


Cancun remains the top destination for Americans vacationing in Mexico.


The U.S. State Department issued travel guidance last month that warns travelers to “exercise increased caution,” especially near resorts like Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Tulum anytime after dark.

Anonymous ID: 9725e9 April 26, 2023, 8:12 a.m. No.18755984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6162 >>6245 >>6271

Sidney Powell's Defending the Republic Newsletter

Apr 26 2023


Well…that was some Monday in America!


Tucker fired.

Lemon fired at CNN

Biden sends out a dark video in the middle of night announcing that is is running for reelection.

We know that many of our readers and supporters watch Fox News- lately, just to see Tucker Carlson. The fact is, there is no longer any compelling reason to watch the cable channel. If you have not already done so, jump into the world of independent podcasts.


There are many to pick from. Listen to a few to find the ones you like the best. Then you are free to get all the news you need anytime you want it…without a television.


Here are a few of our favorites, but, this is just scratching the surface.


War Room. Ruthless. Charlie Kirk. Timcast. Candace Owens. Dinesh D’Souza. Rubin Report. Dan Bongino Show. Will Cain. All-In. Human Events Daily. Epoch Times. Monica Crowley. The Victor Davis Hanson Show. You can find all of these at Apple Podcasts on your phone.


1- Observations on the end of Tucker Carlson at Fox.


Brownstone Institute


The Tucker Carlson Departure From Fox and the Power of Big Pharma


2- All the lying has become intolerable.


Ben Bartee at PJMedia


We Tolerate Entirely Too Much Lying From Politicians


3- There is a place where border walls are acceptable. Sadly, it is not in the United States.


National Pulse


Suddenly, Walls Work! Finland Begins 124-Mile Erection on Russia Border.


4- Almost as shocking as Tucker Carlson getting fired, the DNC will not host any debates with other Democrats in the presidential primaries.


The Epoch Times


RFK Jr. Responds to DNC’s Plans to Skip Primary Debates: ‘The System Is Indeed Rigged’


5- It is not just large cities in deep blue states that are having a massive crime problem. Oh, by the way, this town’s city council is completely controlled by hard-core Democrats, many who ran on defunding the police.




NC tourist town rocked by violence in wake of defund police movement rolls out plan to combat rise in crime

Anonymous ID: 9725e9 April 26, 2023, 8:39 a.m. No.18756134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6162 >>6245 >>6271


The Biden Border Crisis: Exploitation of Unaccompanied Alien Children

Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement Subcommittee | EVENT ID 115798|


Live in 3 hours

Anonymous ID: 9725e9 April 26, 2023, 8:58 a.m. No.18756219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6245 >>6271

Donald J. Trump




Apr 26, 2023, 8:06 AM


Police Department Thanks Trump for What He Did for Them, Post Garners Over 211,000 Likes


The left would have you believe that former President Donald Trump is a snooty rich elite who couldn’t care less for the working man.


Time and again, however, Trump’s acts of charity and kindness have proven this notion wrong.


This was the case on Friday when the 2024 GOP presidential frontrunner bought pizza for all the officers who worked on his detail.


Before the night of fun at Fort Myers’s Downtown House of Pizza was over, Trump apparently ordered pizza for the entire police detail assigned to him during his time in the Florida city.


In a post shared on Facebook, the Fort Myers Police Department thanked Trump for his kind gesture.


“A nice gesture from Donald J. Trump before he departed, for our shifts out working tonight to include everyone working the former Presidential detail in Downtown Fort Myers. Some Downtown House of Pizza to go around,” the post read.


In response, Trump simply replied, “IT WAS MY GREAT HONOR — THANK YOU!!!”


One commenter on the Facebook post, Nicholas Clemens, perhaps summed up the situation best with his response, which garnered over 1,000 likes.


“More proof that Trump isn’t as bad as the media tries to make him out to be,” he wrote.


While his opponents across the aisle constantly demean police as corrupt and racist, Trump goes above and beyond to make our men and women in uniform feel honored.


When it comes to blue-collar workers, Trump has a history of showing them this kind of charity and kindness.


Those close to him have testified as much.


For example, it’s hard to forget the moving speech given by former Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker during the 2020 Republican National Convention regarding Trump’s treatment of the working man.


“I watched him treat the janitors, security guards and waiters the same way he would treat a VIP,” Walker said.


“He made them feel special because he knew they were.”


“He understands that they are the people who make this country run. They clean, they cook, they build, they drive, they deliver.”


For quite some time, the Democratic Party was fallaciously known as the party of the working man, the party that looked after the little guy.


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During and after his 2016 campaign, Donald Trump dispelled that illusion, and ever since the GOP has been known, rightly so, as the party willing to look out for the little guy.


Sometimes, all it takes to change the national conversation is a few acts of random kindness.


This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.