Anonymous ID: 6ff6a0 June 23, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.1876277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6325 >>6384

Anons, Q, if I may be permitted?

I’d been having dreams for several months about this school I was being “trained” in. As I’ve come to realize during the course of the G.A., certain psychic abilities are more factual that I’d ever thought—I’d usually just considered these “knowings” about the people around me as just the payoff to a particularly tuned internal processing system (brain).

While I usually passed them off as odd recurring dreams, that they happened when I’d been particularly WASTED (booze, high) always seemed a little weird: as most weed smokers know, you don’t really dream if you smoke daily. And if I’m shit-faced drunk, you wouldn’t think I’d dream at all, I’d just be KO’d.

I don’t know why these people were testing these skills of mine—all I was doing was out-talking/thinking people—knowing what they would say/feel before their own brains could process it. Almost like I was reading their frequency waves as opposed to waiting for usual body language/actual language etc.

I wasn’t supposed to be able to “come to” while I was in the school—I called it The Dream Room, by the way—but on a few occasions I did, briefly. These dreams hadn’t happened to me for a short while before you (Q) started posting, and then they started up again.

In the last “session” I had with these people, they were making me do one-on-one conversations with the other people in my class as opposed to our usual everyone-in-class-in-groups-of-3 thing. They moved me to my own room for some reason.

Anyway, I came to during a conversation with someone else and realized I was back in the Room. I laughed, and told the two men(?) watching us that they knew they knew they were “Going down, right?”, mentioning the Q op, laughing again.

One of the men proceeded to punch me, knocking out my teeth, and, again, to my surprise, I didn’t wake up. Usually—especially for me—if I slip/fall in a dream, even just an almost-fall, I wake up immediately. I didn’t when I was punched. I picked my teeth off the floor, put them back in my mouth and chewed on them (for some reason).

That’s all I remember from that last session. They’ve never “tuned” me into the school again since.

And I knew these people were bad from the start—I don’t know how. Again, reading that energies frequency, I guess?

What did these people want with me? Was this some kind of method of recruitment for (((their))) version of the Wizards & Warlocks? I’d been putting the entire experience into just the “weird” category in my mind for so long, but I know this Room—this “tuning in” to it part—was very real.

I posted more text talking about the more recent "dream" experiences I've had but 8ch's saying the body of text was too long so I'll take that as a sign from the Universe to keep that to myself for now.

I apologize for rambling, I’ve been wanting to post about this for months now. I just want to know what the purpose of them testing me in that school was, what they wanted from me and the abilities they apparently valued in me. Safe to say there’s no chance of me getting back into that school (Kek, wouldn’t want to be aligned with (((them))) anyway), so I’m curious on anons' thoughts on this.