She straight up nailed his ass. She asked the question in a direct way. I don't watch CNN either, but that was epic.
That reorter did the same thing not long ago. Cant remember who it was, but it was similar situation.
She straight up nailed his ass. She asked the question in a direct way. I don't watch CNN either, but that was epic.
That reorter did the same thing not long ago. Cant remember who it was, but it was similar situation.
Gotta say I love it when you show up, man. You're the only who uses the term "chimp out".
Whatever the case, it makes me laugh every time.
Wasnt he accused of murder a couple of years ago? A girlfriend perhaps?
He went way off the rails. Wondering if (((they))) got to him, or he just went nuts on his own.
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
I assume those who do the MKUltra targeting look for already vulnerable people. Makes you wonder how many lives they have destroyed.
Whenever I see some progessive's twatter banner with the phrase, "vive la resistance", I take the opportunity to point out their grammatical error. Kek. Asshats.
Idk, but I bet Roseanne. Would really like to hear her speak to that one day.
Gotta change devices, anons. Someone trying to hack me.