Anonymous ID: db7a18 June 23, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.1876014   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1875525 I think you are dialing in on an area that needs much more attention! Texas is packed to the rafters with a lot of Great people as it relates to conservatism and patriotism, however, TX was, and has been, infested with DEEP luciferian roots for a long time! Things like JFK...and conversely, LBJ, could not have happened if it wern't for SOLID luciferian control!


The biggest problem, or, the greatest chink in TX armor is the spirit of pride, and the luciferians have exploited that weak spot for all it's worth!


We have stupid people in every state, but the "stupid" in TX leans way more on the absurd side of things! A lot of people in TX have a lot of difficulty with "thinking"! One example is yellow dog democrats - these people will vote for people they disagree with ON EVERY plank of a political platform...because they are yellow dog other reason! It makes ZERO sense!


Also, TX actually has a massive inferiority complex, and is thus driven to excellence for the wrong reasons...namely: To PROVE Texans are "better" than what they (themselves) 'think' others 'think' about them!


This leads to stupidity that is crushing and dangerous! LBJ was a living example of the lust for power!


The combination of pride and the inferiority complex creates fertile ground for nonthinking decision making. Consider Rick Perry (btw, I believe President Trump has him under control), but Perry involved himself with Bilderberg'ers and even tried to force manditory vaccinations on young believe he came up with that idea on his own? Not a chance! I actually know of a native Texan that argued that he wanted our elected representatives to be the BEST LIARS in the Nation so we could send them to D.C. and have them "out lie" the other liars! Just freaking MINDLESS!


Texas needs to come to grips with what it really is! If we can do that, we can easily lead the battle campaign of righteousness!


As of right now, we have DEEP pockets of metastasizing cancer in Dallas, Austin and Houston that need to be ripped out! Many Texans blame that cancer on people moving from CA and elsewhere, but it's not true, that cancer has been in place and growing for decades before conservatives began fleeing their own states!