one hundred trillion in tax payer theft by nazis doesn't go far these days
A good news story for once.
not until smith mundt modernization act is recognized as being used to kill Americans and then be nullified, and then that national security background check offices for past 20 years needs to be ARRESTED for TREASON, will I ever believe this.
Is this how the traffickers communicate?
Is this how ANTIFA get's activated?
Not trusting FBI they should NOT exist under 10th Amendment, they have used bio agents on Innocent Americans and protect nazi TREASON.
doubtful anon missed it the question is will they destroy another whistleblower.
The FBI is a VIOLENT Genocidal FRAUD on the American People that shouldn't exist uner the 10th amendment if this wasn't a dictatorship.
I got a better solution.
Raid the Background check offices of ALL personell from past two decades and ARREST THEM ALL and NULLIFY ALL SECURITY CLEARANCES until a new law and oath against commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud is in place.
Deactivate all non tenth Amendment Agencies
pelosi, nancy is so fuckin old she's a moot point now.
What point are you trying to communicate cause this looks like gibberish.
I think we are past impeachment to the level of conspiracy and genocide.
You have a good CARRIER but your emission type is wide spectrum JAMMING.
it makes you MY ENEMY. My choice is to PUMP up my transmitter to drown you out or FILTER you by changing frequency.
Come back in 20 years after you get the wild oats out of dat ass.
you seem to have high expectations of VOLUNTEERS and a chip on your shoulder about another topic other than that you CLAIM you care about.
Hillary's DOJ