It's funny
The people that Removed themselves from the genepool & Don't/Won't have Children
Are so very concerned about having access to children & Get super mad when you won't let them near your babies
so Weird.
God Has Awakened the Mamabears
The Children Have their Protectors back
To Protect the Children & Defend the Defenseless
Is a Holy Thing
God Bless you Mamabears
The Death Sentence for Pedophiles will Spread across the Nation
If you Abuse a Child, your time on this earth is over
They should not have touched the Children
& It will be Lethal Injection or Old Sparky
As for the Groomers
They will be Outcaste and Shunned
Fired from their jobs and never work around children again
Within the Next few years
Death Sentence for Pedophiles will force them to flee to "safe havens"
Parents will Not stay in a city were Predators prey on their Babies
Creating a Modern Day Sodom and Gomorrah
We all know what happens after that
When Trump Return's
It will be the Death sentence for
Drug Dealers
& Human Traffickers
After the Laws are in place he will reveal the Global Pedo Blackmail Cult
Then People will Fully Understand
No amount of Money or Titles of Nobility will Sway a jury when they see the Video Evidence
& Trump Has It All, Everything Epstein Had is now in his possession
Pizza Gate was only an Introductory Course
God Exists
& He is Separating the Wheat from the Tares
Child Rapists & Groomers don't like being called out
It has nothing to do with the BV's or BO
They don't want to be reminded that they are the Evil that plagues this world
And they definitely don't like anyone talking about removing them from the earth