Anonymous ID: 62d537 April 27, 2023, 8:31 a.m. No.18761680   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Tiffany Epps


Adopted Daughter of Ray Epps Claims He Molested Her as a Teen

Bombshell if true.

JD Rucker

Apr 25, 2023


Editor's Note: All aspects of this story are being reported based on corroboration done by other journalists. For example, Dom Lucre claims to have seen Tiffany Epps' personal credentials, including adoption paperwork. We have no reason to doubt anything told in the Twitter Spaces interview below, but we have not independently verified it.


Here is the Twitter Spaces that had several asking questions, including Lucre and #WalkawayMovement founder Brandon Straka. Tiffany Epps comes on around the 25-minute mark: