Ebotbanhomo(s) r /b nasifags r/b muhsatanshills
Hitler's butthole got hooked on crack in section 8. Later sold crack in a section 8 . Several rocks later it's known as soros .
Freebase cocaine (crack) was given to the slaves to help them unload the boat. It seemed to be cost effective to the Lilly white cock gobblers pedoraptors of yesteryear. Also the colt 45 was developed because a 38 wouldn't stop a slave high on cocaine that wanted to kill the previously mentioned pedoraptor slave driving homosexual cocksucker.
Did you know Prescott bush killed last ofvthe buffalo , Indians , and stole the cocaine trade from Louisiana and something something Great Depression ,
Did you know the Alamo was a planned execution
Pay o pig skins n JFK n …..
Did you know frump memes are just muhsatans way of hiding a cia secret that is disgusting to the point that …..
Where do I upload witeshark files ?
It's an upsidedown PedoraptorFagging at a isrico18 with dhcp , mr Bemis streamlined the fuck out of it. So pretty much the selfish get damned and the sinners are fed to a sarlacc
What ebotbanhomos sound like irl
Jew bait
They try to predict the pings
WIThout the bass