Anonymous ID: 61de9d April 27, 2023, 11:29 p.m. No.18765587   🗄️.is 🔗kun

American Thinker: The Mafia Tactic that Brought Down CNN

By Brian Cabana


Of late, the State appears to be an analog to the mafia. For one piece of evidence, we can look to the inclusion in its main repertoire of a mob tactic once used only sparingly: the bust out.


A bust out is a mob tactic whereby a business owner becomes indebted or obliged to a mobster, who subsequently coerces the business owner to finance criminal operations on his company's credit. After multiple refinancing options and mortgages, the mafia burns down the overleveraged business and collects the insurance money.


The pre-eminent example of the State acting on its new modus operandi is CNN. With the arrival of the Zucker regime, the State attained effective control of the company and immediately initiated a credibility bust out on its brand, leveraging every ounce of its reputation to serve the various enterprises of the State, until the network became a laughingstock that was disowned even by stalwart Democrats and go-along-get-along suburban paper-pushers. Years of outright lying and transparent propaganda (Russiagate; the Covington kids farce; the Rittenhouse trial; and many, many others) obliterated the last pretense CNN could cling to for promoting itself as a "straight-shooting, down the line" news network.


Aside from the absurd magnificence of its downfall, what occurred with CNN was hardly anomalous; rather, it was merely a conspicuous example of an increasingly common State initiative whereby the State acquires control of a pre-existing institution and leverages its brand to serve its own ends….


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Excellent article