Anonymous ID: 0beb25 April 29, 2023, 5:17 p.m. No.18773180   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3188 >>3287 >>3306 >>3374 >>3405

EXCLUSIVE: Six whistleblowers who claim they worked on military UFO programs retrieving and analyzing crash material have come forward to spill their secrets to senior members of congress

Apr 26 2023


  • Lawyer Daniel Sheehan said he is in contact with at least six former government officials or military contractors who say they worked on UFO programs

  • The whistleblowers claim they worked on Roswell-style UFO crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs and have spoken to members of congress

  • The attorney is launching a watchdog charity pushing for greater government transparency on UFOs


Senior members of Congress have spoken to as many as six whistleblowers who claim they worked on Roswell-style UFO crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs, according to a top attorney, a leading Stanford scientist, and ex-UFO program officials.


For decades it has been the subject of spooky TV shows and sci-fi novels: the theory that the government has alien spacecraft in a bunker somewhere, and has been trying to disassemble and understand their technology.


But things got a lot more real after Congress passed a law last year creating whistleblower protections for anyone who has worked in such mind-boggling secret programs – suggesting they may be more than just fiction.


The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), signed into law by President Joe Biden in December, included an amendment requiring the Pentagon to give high-ranking Senators classified reports on any previously undisclosed programs 'relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena, including with respect to material retrieval, material analysis, reverse engineering'.


In an exclusive interview with, Daniel Sheehan said he is in contact with at least six former government officials or military contractors who say they worked on just such a program.


Sheehan represents Lue Elizondo, who ran a previous incarnation of the UFO office called AATIP until 2017. The attorney is also launching a watchdog charity pushing for greater government transparency on UFOs.


Sheehan said that some of these half-dozen whistleblowers briefed the staff of Senate committees dealing with military intelligence even before the NDAA passed, and may have even been the inspiration for Senators to include the 'reverse engineering' language.


'There are half a dozen of them that have already gone and talked to them,' he said. 'The Senate staff people were reaching out to some others.'


Sheehan says witnesses who allegedly know about Roswell-style programs, including a former Defense Intelligence Agency director, have been referred for interviews with the Pentagon's UFO office, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).


A top Stanford scientist says he is also in touch with whistleblowers.


Immunologist and Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Garry Nolan was commissioned by the CIA to investigate cases of the mysterious Havana Syndrome inflicting embassy officials worldwide, and has conducted experiments analyzing material allegedly jettisoned in UFO flyovers.


He claims to be in contact with several former staffers of extraordinary UFO 'reverse engineering' programs.


Sheehan says witnesses who allegedly know about Roswell-style programs, including a former Defense Intelligence Agency director, have been referred for interviews with the Pentagon's UFO office, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).


A top Stanford scientist says he is also in touch with whistleblowers.


Immunologist and Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Garry Nolan was commissioned by the CIA to investigate cases of the mysterious Havana Syndrome inflicting embassy officials worldwide, and has conducted experiments analyzing material allegedly jettisoned in UFO flyovers.


He claims to be in contact with several former staffers of extraordinary UFO 'reverse engineering' programs.


Kirkpatrick, a veteran intelligence officer and physicist, told senators his office 'will follow scientific evidence wherever it leads', but said that 'AARO has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology, or objects that defy the known laws of physics.'


Another Nobel Prize nominee and CIA scientist Dr. Hal Puthoff, who worked in the government's 2008-2012 UFO program called AAWSAP, told that he had briefed congress on classified information about reverse engineering programs, and knew of whistleblowers who had worked in the alleged programs.


'I don't consider myself secretly coming out of the shadows the way whistleblowers may,' he said. 'I can just speak to what I learned in congressional-supported programs that they paid for.


'We were specifically tasked with collecting whatever evidence we could collect from military individuals and contractors, as to the reality of what evidence there is.'



Anonymous ID: 0beb25 April 29, 2023, 5:18 p.m. No.18773188   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3189 >>3287


Puthoff said he knew 'some' military contractors or officials who worked on reverse engineering programs, who are now coming forward to AARO after the new whistleblower protection was added to the NDAA.


'The ones I know of felt it was their responsibility to tell what they knew, and they were not reticent,' he said. 'Certain people in that category would fall into the whistleblower regime.


'I can't comment in detail,' the former CIA laser scientist added.


A Defense Department spokeswoman told that they have not yet found any UFO programs that were improperly kept from Congress – but that they haven't finished their search.


'In addition to AARO's principal mission to address current operations regarding UAP, AARO is also conducting a historical review of the U.S. government's identification and resolution of UAP activities, including speaking to witnesses for authorized disclosures as prescribed by law,' DoD spokeswoman Sue Gough said.


'While there have been nearly two dozen people that AARO has interviewed, confidentially and securely, AARO has not finished its data collection nor its analysis. We will not comment on our findings prior to reporting them to Congress.


'As prescribed by law, AARO has 72 hours to report to Congress any program discovered that has not been properly reported to Congress for appropriate oversight. None have been found so far.'


Documentarian James Fox told The Amazing People Podcast on April 4, 2023 that he had just interviewed at least four whistleblowers who had testified to Kirkpatrick with evidence of UFO crash retrieval programs.


'There are elected officials that are right now coming to the realization that these programs exist, that we probably do have recovered debris,' Fox said.


'They're hearing testimony from this whistleblower protection that's recently been signed into law.


'I met with intelligence folks that had just met with Kirkpatrick and met with Senate Intel. They couldn't share every single detail [with me] because it was classified, but they did with them.


'Some of them were retired, a lot of them were still employed.


'What they're basically saying is, these reverse engineering programs exist,' he added.


'I have this on camera: 'Don't take it from me, don't take my testimony, but I'm here to tell you this is the name of the program, this is the location of the program, these are the names of the people involved in the program, and if you give me the security clearance, I'll walk you into the labs.'


'That's happening right now in Washington DC. I've seen the photographs of these guys' credentials. More than three. And they're telling me about their friends who are also testifying.


'The question is, Kirkpatrick, who's he going to share it with?'


Fox told that his sources did not give him classified information – as even with the new whistleblower protections, they can only disclose restricted information to AARO, not go public.


Amid the claims of Roswell-style crash retrieval programs, on Friday US intelligence leaders held an 'unprecedented' briefing at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio – a site with deep historic and rumored links to UFOs.


Reports after the notorious alleged 1947 flying saucer crash in Roswell, New Mexico, claimed that the supposed wreckage was taken to Wright Patterson, leading UFO researchers to dub the base 'the real Area 51'.


Wright Patterson, which now houses the National Space Intelligence Center (NSIC) and National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC), was also the headquarters of two previous government UFO programs in the 1940s through 1970s: Project Sign and Project Blue Book.


Last week CIA director William Burns, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, National Security Agency director Gen. Paul Nakasone, and several members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence flew to the secretive base for a meeting on topics reportedly including Chinese spy balloons, the war in Ukraine, and recent leaks of classified documents by National Guard Airman Jack Teixeira.


House Intelligence Committee ranking member Jim Himes said Thursday the event is 'historic' and unlike any previous briefing he and his colleagues have attended.


'I don't recall the committee ever doing anything like this,' he told the Dayton Daily News.



Anonymous ID: 0beb25 April 29, 2023, 5:19 p.m. No.18773189   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3191 >>3287


One congressman publicly put the Pentagon on notice that he was aware of claims of UFO-tinkering programs evading proper oversight by lawmakers during the first public hearing on unidentified objects in over 50 years last May.


At the historic hearing, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Mike Gallagher entered into the Congressional record an explosive document dubbed the 'Wilson-Davis Notes'.


Physicist and intelligence official Dr. Eric Davis allegedly met with then-deputy director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson, in Las Vegas in October 2002, and wrote notes of what Wilson told him.


According to the notes, the Vice Admiral told Davis that in the early 2000s he uncovered – but was denied access to – a secret program run by a defense contractor that retrieved and attempted to reverse engineer UFOs.


The bombshell, controversial documents claim Wilson found discrepancies in budgets that led him to the program run by 'an aerospace technology contractor – one of the top ones in [the] US'.


One congressman publicly put the Pentagon on notice that he was aware of claims of UFO-tinkering programs evading proper oversight by lawmakers during the first public hearing on unidentified objects in over 50 years last May.


At the historic hearing, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Mike Gallagher entered into the Congressional record an explosive document dubbed the 'Wilson-Davis Notes'.


Physicist and intelligence official Dr. Eric Davis allegedly met with then-deputy director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson, in Las Vegas in October 2002, and wrote notes of what Wilson told him.


According to the notes, the Vice Admiral told Davis that in the early 2000s he uncovered – but was denied access to – a secret program run by a defense contractor that retrieved and attempted to reverse engineer UFOs.


The bombshell, controversial documents claim Wilson found discrepancies in budgets that led him to the program run by 'an aerospace technology contractor – one of the top ones in [the] US'.


Mellon, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and Bush administrations, described in his essay the NDAA amendment as 'far-reaching legislation that could soon confirm the existence of an alien presence on earth.'


Nolan, a friend of Davis, said he was aware of the notes before they were published, and believes they are authentic.


'Before this came to light I already knew of the document, because Eric was part of a group I was associated with,' he said in an Australia 7 News interview last year. 'I know Eric Davis. Eric is of a kind of character that it's just impossible for him to lie.'


But Wilson was strident and categorical in his denial to Australian journalist Ross Coulthart, published in his 2021 book In Plain Sight, calling the document 'pure fiction'.


'The Dr. Eric Davis memo contains somewhat detailed accounts of alleged efforts by me to get access to Special Access Programs… and of meetings I supposedly had with various contractors or Special Access Program managers/overseers,' Wilson told Coulthart.


'I participated in no such meetings on these subjects. I never formally or informally requested any such access, was never denied such access and was never threatened to have my career 'derailed' if I persisted.'


Wilson said he was in an isolated camp in Maine during October 2002, and had only been to Las Vegas once: a deployment to Nellis Air Force base in 1979 or 1980.


Coulthart noted in his book that if the memo were real, its contents could be so highly classified that Wilson would be obliged to deny it publicly.


Another alleged witness of alleged downed UFOs squirreled away in a government bunker is General John 'Jack' Sheehan – revealed in January this year in a memoir by Jacques Vallée, a scientist close to top intelligence officials who has worked in past iterations of the government's UFO-monitoring office.



Anonymous ID: 0beb25 April 29, 2023, 5:19 p.m. No.18773191   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3287


According to the memoir, Sheehan, a retired four-star NATO general, allegedly told Puthoff at a 1996 meeting a story of 'his boss instructing him to take a flight to a certain facility (presumably a Lockheed site) where he saw and touched a 'craft.'


Vallée's memoir said Gen. Sheehan 'also said he would honor his secrecy oath and not reveal more, but he did acknowledge he found a $9 billion discrepancy in some budgets which led him to uncover the project.'


Sheehan, 82, later went on to become Senior Vice President at Bechtel Corporation in Virginia.


A source briefed on the work of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence told that Gen. Sheehan has been asked to testify to AARO.


Puthoff said he did not know if Gen. Sheehan had testified.


In a phone interview from his Virginia home, the retired General told the story was not true, and he was never shown a UFO or uncovered a secret program.


He added that a researcher called him last year about the topic, but he could not recall whether they were a government official or not.


Another key alleged witness has recently died.


Charles Bowsher was US Comptroller General from 1981 to 1996, presiding over wide ranging audits and scrutinizing government department finances.


Vallée wrote that Bowsher 'found a crashed UFO program during a massive audit of classified projects' around 1984.


'In the period 1984-85, Bowsher uncovered a bizarre special access program coverup which surely violated every classification, executive order, regulation, and Congressional rule,' Vallée wrote in the 24 September 2004 entry in his diary.


'They contemplated turning it over to Justice for prosecution, but 'a powerful person in DoD quenched it.' The program, according to the reviewers, had to do with an exotic, non-Earthly vehicle.'


The Wilson-Davis memo references a similar-sounding incident, though it does not name Bowsher.


According to the notes, Wilson told Davis that a high-ranking government auditor discovered the program, 'was officially briefed, given tour, shown their program… Said after that episode, a formal agreement was struck with Pentagon people (SAPOC) to prevent this in future – didn't want a repeat. Special criteria were established in agreement.'


Bowsher died on September 30 last year.



Anonymous ID: 0beb25 April 29, 2023, 5:45 p.m. No.18773304   🗄️.is đź”—kun

VA pays out $1 billion to 'burn pit' veterans after deluge of half a million claims over cancer, hypertension, and other woes in biggest military compensation shakeup in decades

Apr 27 2023


  • Veterans have filed more than 500,000 claims under the new scheme

  • Most of the claims were for high blood pressure and inflamed nostrils

  • Battlefield survivors who got sick and want to apply can visit


The VA has paid out $1 billion to veterans since it upgraded a compensation scheme last year for those sickened by toxic chemicals in Iraq, Afghanistan and other campaigns.


Veterans have filed more than 500,000 claims for benefits under the PACT Act, which let many more veterans exposed to burn pits and other battlefield pollutants claim disability benefits.


The scale of the payouts, which the VA announced on Wednesday, marks the US government's growing acknowledgement of the invisible threats endured by combatants that were for decades largely ignored.


The PACT Act loosened the rules about who could apply for benefits, allowing those who got sick from trash-burning pits in Iraq and Afghanistan, Agent Orange, as well as radioactive material and herbicides.


VA Secretary Denis McDonough said the payouts helped 'millions of veterans who fought our wars for the past 30 years — who breathed in debris from sandstorms, fumes from burning trash, and more while overseas.'


They were 'now taken care of for the conditions that followed them home from war,' McDonough added.


Most of the PACT Act claims law were for hypertension and allergic rhinitis — an inflammation in the nose as a result of pollen, dust, mold or other particles in the air.


Other maladies included sinusitis, asthma, and cancers of the genitourinary tract.


Most of the claims were accepted. In some cases, veterans were rejected because of incomplete medical records or because the condition they were suffering from was not a result of their service.


Since the act was signed into law last August, the VA has also screened three million veterans for toxic exposure. About 42 percent of them were worried they had been exposed to hazards while serving.


The screenings can lead to referrals for treatment and benefits.


As a result of the bill, more than 215,000 veterans have enrolled in VA health care, up 15 percent from the same period the previous year, the department said.


Veterans' groups have raised concerns about the new benefits being cut, as Republican politicians in Washington, DC, push Democrats to lower spending and cut a deal on raising the US debt ceiling.


The US military has been rocked by a number of health scares in recent years.


The military has long used 'burn pits' to dispose of trash at military bases overseas. The practice came under the spotlight during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as troops burned everything from batteries to human waste.


A Pentagon study last month found high rates of cancer among military pilots and for the first time showed that ground crews who fuel, maintain and launch those aircraft also developed life-threatening conditions.


The research on some 900,000 service members who flew on or worked on military aircraft between 1992 and 2017 showed that air crew members had an 87 percent higher rate of melanoma and a 39 percent higher rate of thyroid cancer.


The Pentagon is also probing cases of blood cancer among missile teams at nuclear weapons silos in Montana, and veterans have reported toxic exposures from contaminated water in California. has spoken with veterans who bemoan the lackluster support in Washington DC for those serving the country.


David Maxwell, a 30-year Army special forces veteran, said politicians largely turned their backs on servicemen sickened by the Vietnam War-era herbicide Agent Orange or Gulf War syndrome from the 1990–1991 campaign.


'It's a continuing pattern of how the politicians are willing to punt these serious medical issues for many veterans,' said Maxwell.


Dennis Downey, a 29-year special forces veteran, says the problem is bigger still. His research of US military deployments globally is piecing together worrying evidence of cases of 'some very strange cancers', he said.


It is a work in progress, but Downey says troops are exposed to dangerous chemicals from metals in bullets and other everyday military items that gradually build up and lead to inflammation and increased risk of cancer.