Anonymous ID: 10faa8 June 23, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.1877519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7545 >>7617 >>7854 >>7924 >>7972

Actual research bitches…


OK anons - a bit of group research time and the 2 sets of Q pics from London (lurkers get in


on this - international espionage spot the difference). I am 95% sure they are from 2


different trips or someone stayed in the UK for a month +.


OK first things first, pic 1. Did not know that… the more you know. Google streetview


timewalking. If I did I would have answered my own question (pic2).


We will do the easy one


Q posts 1405,06,07. The london pics..


Note the jackets.

Time of year.



Ok, Q basically points it out to us in Q 1456 but confirmed Hyde Park Winter Wonderland. I


think 2015 - the flooring, but tbh it needs more autist attention to confirm 2015 (sign posts in Q pics - google timewalking, also I am assumssing it is linked to other set of pics) but really do need to confirm with more markers - looks like it though.


Hyde Park Winter Wonderland 2015 – 20th November 2015 to 3rd January 2016

20/11/2015 - 3/1/16 <- note earliest possible date - 20/11


Next the London NSAcam ROT set…



Anonymous ID: 10faa8 June 23, 2018, 12:47 p.m. No.1877545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7617 >>7637 >>7650 >>7854 >>7924 >>7972



OK, here we go the original set of Lon pics. Anons check this.


Go here -,-0.1227174,19.63z - Street view and time walking.


I think this set is dated early October 2015 - The bollards, its the only logical explanation. Bear with me on this. Check this yourselves. Previous post 2nd pic - When did the comms cabinet move?


Best I can see on google it has moved between May 2015 + July 2016, there may be other markers on this pic but onwards to the next.


Q pic zoomed in there are a few markers to check on google timewalking - the manholes, the width of the dividing lines and note the lack of bollards.


Original notes :

R.S. Hispaniola - Permanently there.

original comms cab by road moved in between … May 2015 - Jul 2016

Manhole cover small-big between … May 2015 - Jul 2016

Lane Markings … May 2015 - Jul 2016

Bollards (confused) - Installation May 2014?


The bollards were installed in 2014 afaik - pic, this is the key to this and what had me confused. The other key to this is the


East-West Cycle Superhighway


The reason that I say early October 2015 - around that time work on the East-West Cycle Superhighway started around that area. See pic 3 -


This is why there are no bollards in Q's pic. They have been removed prior to this work


These Q pics are pre Oct 2015 - before the cycle lane went in. Hence me saying 2 sets of pics, If 1st set (I posted) is WinterWonderland 2015 - that event started 20th November 2015. So Q London pic Hyde Park = >20th November

The NSA cam ROT pics = Latest possible date October 23rd - more likely before that - but not too much though - bollards removed.


Giving at least a month between Q pics. No cycle lane pre October 23rd 2015 when the cycle lane went in. But also WinterWonderland doesnt start until November 20th - 2 trips. 1 to proof read/correct and 1 to collect.



Men in their prime, if they have convictions are tasked to act on them.


We must win this war. Therefore I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I will endure, I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone.



Anonymous ID: 10faa8 June 23, 2018, 1 p.m. No.1877691   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Check the street view links, check my work and date stamps. I have a bad habit of sperging out but Im pretty sure this is legit. Check the bollards.