(you) = retarded
>are pagan in their nature
So all Christians with Christ-trees and Eastern bunny Eastern are satanists too?
It's pagan rituals too.
So peeps following these are either all satanists, or not. You can't have both.
It can all be about control.
The current commandments tell you not to kill, which should be super obvious, who even needs to get told that? But at the same time has no problem with genital mutilation, especially regarding children.
That's what I'm asking myself.
It makes no sense to me.
And what about doing evil shit to another human so that human goes cripple. It seems that's also not a problem.
and then you get Revelation, which was obviously written by Satanists, with fully retarded plans that are impossible to actually do (can't sell or buy, yada yada)
There is no way to even proof that the bible wasn't edited. Maybe Jesus was simply another human, and all the super natural stuff was added, because of some reason.
Commandments even tell peeps to not worship other Gods, but then you get the "Jesus is God" stuff. "Jesus died", "No my God is still alive". None of that makes sense.
>All the Jews that I asked
How many did you ask?
In person or "Juuws" on Twatter?
Yes, that was obvious control.
But you don't really need to be smart to do stuff like that.
Look at the coof bullshit, the narrative is pure bollocks, but experts go along with it, because they are retarded and "learnt to do whatever authority tells them, even when it goes against stuff they were told before".
You just need to be a good liar. Always mix a bit of truth with it, otherwise the lie gets too obvious
Take for example Nazis.
I see over and over on /pol/ and other places how family friendly Nazis were.
And then I look into that claim, and figure out that the Nazis - like basically all socialists - took children over as soon as possible, to brainwash them into their shit, even against what the parents want. So it was in reality anti-family. Sure, Nazis wanted tons of children (to indoctrinate, for work and to later die in stupid wars, blood ritual yada yada), but that's not family friendly.
>Revelation is interesting because it seems like predictive programming stuff.
Sure, that makes sense then.
"OMG, it's revelation, can't do anything about that, we just HAVE to comply, let us all hold hands and let them kill us all, it's prophecy, the bible is true!! It's Satan!!! God will save our souls!!! at least we will not go to hell!!!"
That's how children act. Not adults.
The bible also causes in fights
"No, my interpretation is correct"
"No, that was meant to be like this"
"No, when it says you shall not kill, it's about murder, not killing, self-defense is fine"
"No, it's about killing all beings, not just humans"
"No, King James translation is correct"
"No, this other translation is correct"
You would think God would write stuff down in a way that is definitive without interpretations possible, otherwise you can make literally all sorts of shit up and later pretend "but the bible" and "but God said"
"Your bible says you shall not kill
"But it was self-defense, we just murdered the population over there, because they surely wanted to invade our city. God says that's fine"
And who wants to argue against the "(inaccurate) words of God"
I personally can take some things from the bible, that make sense to me, but I won't follow something blindly. I personally think we shouldn't kill any being, but that's just my interpretation, that I try to follow as good as I can. But I don't fight against people who eat meat, because it's their personal choice in the end and I also will not argue "but the bible says", because in the end it's personal interpretations.
You don't know if that part was added or not.
I personally take it that way, because even a wasp has its own personality, it's own soul so to speak.
In the end I'm not following the bible, I follow what I think is the correct way. And everyone is doing that in any case.
I can read it anyway.
I talked with a Christian about it, and that Christian didn't know what's written in Revelation, but I do. Go figure.
and Jesus and the fishies also includes multiplication of animals, which is supernatural.
I don't believe in the supernatural.
Of course maybe it was about cooking fish soup or whatever.
"We need to kill them because they don't believe in our God"
"We need to kill them because they said something bad about our God, they are insane"
"We need to kill them because they don't believe in viruses and say that corona was the flu, they are insane. A few of them even infected my children with the rona"
"When we tortured her, she admitted to being a witch, she even signed papers, now we can kill her!!!"
"When we tortured him, he admitted to being a terrorist, now we can death penalty him"
All the same bullcrap.
What do you do when one of your parents basically murdered the other parent?