>So all Christians with Christ-trees and Eastern bunny Eastern are satanists too?
Revelation 3:16
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
>western biblical idea is that people are stuck in faith and not question what they are told.
Americans are neither a people nor a race. [It is the alien Canaanite
Jews and others that are not a people - mostly the whites in America are
Hebrews] They are the Devil's mixture driven by the Pharaohs (Pharisees).
They are all circumcised after the Devil's concept: they drop atom bombs,
they financed Saddam Hussein and the world's other dictators, they take
the Arab's oil by force, they killed 3 million people in Vietnam and they
killed children and pregnant women. Hitler was financed by the Americans
(Bush family and Henry Ford), Zionist bankers (Rothschild-Warburg-
Schiffs), UGLE and EIR (United Grand Lodge England and European
Imperial Royal families, see "Bloodlines of the Illuminati"); money being
delegated through Swiss banks.
Pride, on the other hand, is the mother of all sins, and the original sin of luciferโฆ. An instrument strung, but preferring to play itself because it thinks it knows the tune better than the Musician
C. S. Lewis