don't you have some important shilling to do?
the board hangs up and I have to reset my DNS.
obviously you're no mystic with inner knowledge of end times. youre some duffus trained in how to disrupt a board and try to rile up the people who use it.
you're not any good at it.
one clear thing to anyone who is here long term: when someone uses certain cleche termonolgoy to try and do some kind of subliminal attack like 'bleed from your axe wound' it's not a spiritual person or anyone of consequence. It's a newbie shill at the shill farm over in your country doing your 'we rule you bit' which is what you were trained to be: an ethno dominate who really believes in your own superiority.
they teach you a little bit of psychology, but they never teach you how to actually love and care about anyone.
and we here, the anon, can see right through you.
so get wise and back off.
quit you shill job and go earn an honest living.
the great awakening means there will be no more dominant ethnic group lording over the rest of the world, no one who you can profiteer off, contractor rebilling, no nations you can go and be the head dick in charge. It's all going to be taken away from your type.
whoever or whatever or where ever you are, you're a nasty horrid person in need of enlightment.
and 'marks on your forehead
in the right color aren't going to make any difference.