Anonymous ID: 0580b6 June 23, 2018, 2:36 p.m. No.1878779   🗄️.is 🔗kun


my guess is that he is going to stay neutral but act curious about it and then make a joke. He's done this several times. Not quite straddling the fence. Its more that hes encouraging his audience to look into things without alienating anyone.

He's now commonly using the term soy boys and every time POTUS comes up in a meme he actually in more positive with what he says and his jokes.


YouTube knows that he's leaning slightly right. This is why he is never invited to events and why he never makes trending. They using demonetization to keep him from being more free with what he says. It's because they know how big of an influence he is and so he's dangerous to the sjw narrative they promote.