Anonymous ID: 1581c1 June 23, 2018, 2:41 p.m. No.1878844   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Then LEAD, motherfucker. Go do! Otherwise, you are just another whining little bitch that the military is full of. "I don't trust our leaders. This is what NEEDS to be done. So-n-so has no idea what they're doing. But instead of stepping the fuck up and being a man, I am just going to sit here, bitch about everything, take ZERO action, and get others to bitch and whine, and complain. I won't go do what it fucking takes because I am not a true leader. I just don't like my leader, so I am going to make myself feel better by complaining."


That's what the fuck I got from your pussy-ass post. You want action. Fucking take it. Yea, I didn't think so.


You're either a pussy or a shill. Either way, STFU.