Anonymous ID: 1f8cd1 June 23, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.1878090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8145 >>8169 >>8173 >>8213 >>8264 >>8267 >>8284 >>8301 >>8362 >>8376 >>8388 >>8415 >>8421 >>8484 >>8498 >>8581 >>8589 >>8592 >>8651 >>8686 >>8813 >>8818 >>8844 >>8897

Alright faggots it’s time to rise up and take our Country Back. Idk wtf is going on in Q world right now, but clearly justice is not being served properly. I was happy to sit by patiently thinking, hoping that Q was doing the right thing, but this Plan in not sufficient. Hillary walks free and the MSM shits on us and our Country daily. This is unacceptable. Time’s up.


Q “has it all”.

POTUS can declassify anything.

The military can take control over the media in time of emergencies.


It’s time to fucking do it. We sit here passively and allow Congress to pass things like NDA which allows American citizens to be indefinitely detained or even assassinated without trial, yet we are told that the fucking Cabal must be given space so we can “set the stage” and give them proper trial. FUCK THAT.


We’re supposed to accept that Deals must be made and some must be allowed to walk. We let them go with a slap on the wrist so they can step down with dignity and McStain can still keep Twatting all over our faces. FUCK THAT.


We’re supposed to accept 60% private, 40% public to preserve the institutions that are obviously so corrupt that the only solution is to burn them to the ground. FUCK THAT.


We let the deep state spooks play hide-and-seek games supposedly serving justice behind the scenes while the entire world is fed the narrative that Trump is putting kids in cages. FUCK THAT.


How long will we let these people walk all over us? How long will we remain passive while being told that we can only have Justice served the way they want it to be served?




We allow the military to wage war on peaceful peoples of the earth in our name based on pretexts that don’t exist. Yet in our time of need, when we have every pretext imaginable and undeniable evidence, we are denied SWIFT ACTION to save our own Country?


In a similar vein, we are supposed to support $700 billion for the military, but not one fucking soldier can defend OUR OWN BORDER? Meanwhile, the weak border is exploited by Soros and the media to cause a shit storm with DACA and child detention?


They are exploiting our WEAKNESS. And right now, Q / POTUS is acting WEAK. The battle for hearts and minds is being lost.


The cabal is guilty of human trafficking, but the media portrays Trump putting kids in cages. Peace on the Korean Peninsula is ignored. Literally every good thing that Trump does is turned into its opposite and the masses become ever more convinced that he is evil.


Make no mistake, these things add up. We may say to ourselves that this will blow up in their faces and they will see the truth, but that’s not how it works. Normalfags see a magazine cover and one clip on MSM and form a strong emotional hatred. Even if they happen to hear that the kid on Time magazine was fake, they still keep that hatred.




How is it that the entire MSM will follow pentagon orders verbatim and feed us all the propaganda we need to accept illegal wars, yet Q/POTUS has no control over the narrative?

How is it that the CIA has controlled MSM for half a century, yet NSA/Q is impotent?


It’s time to take the gloves off damn it. POTUS/Military/NSA has the power, has the authority, has the capability to do more. It’s time we DEMAND more. Giving the media “rope” to “dig their own graves” may make sense to us, but in the brainwashed minds of the sheeple, the negative emotional associations grow stronger regardless. If the goal was to subvert the MSM narrative by going to the chans so that the Truth could ultimately be revealed as people come to accept it, then we are FAILING. The opposite is happening. Twatter is censored. The deep state narrative is in control. The Plan must be changed.




How can Saudi Arabia, in one fell swoop, lock up every bad guy in their entire government yet we are still playing footsie with Hillary on twatter and thinking that is going to do something? Learn from the SA example. IT CAN BE DONE HERE. And the people will accept it. Q’s current plan is fucking bullshit and I’m calling it out. His desire to preserve the corrupt institutions and give bad buys dignity and deals while simultaneously allowing the media to shit on us every single day is bullshit. Fuck this plan.