Anyone want to hear about my voluntary tax plan rollout idea?
I’ve been thinking about it for a while now.
What if at the beginning of every year you chose what gov’t programs you wanted to pay for out of each paycheck? This would then set the operating budget for the Federal Gov’t for that year as well, and ideally move voting towards secure block chain type encrypted/e-verify participation as well.
If every program was on the chopping block at once I doubt anyone would voluntarily give any of their paychecks away. So, each year the programs will slowly grow. The first year will focus on Federal Aid and Welfare, which most working people would obviously cut from their taxes.
But slowly, each year more programs will be up for voluntary funding vote. Imagine that instead of lobbyists you had grass roots campaigns of people who like certain gov’t programs and want to keep them, the incentive would be that the more people who fund the program, the less each person would pay on their taxes.
By the end of the rollout every single gov’t program, (except for maybe military, but I wouldn’t be surprised if by volitional tax the military wouldn’t get an even larger budget) would be funded and approved by the tax payer, operating budget and taxes would finally be one.