Anonymous ID: 9dc5ff June 23, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.1878297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8441 >>8471 >>8524 >>8636 >>8801 >>8848 >>8871

General Edward “Hoss”Cartwright – Part 1 The TL;DR intro


Hey ANONS, Hey Q (I’m sure you’ve familiar with this soap opera.)

I’d like to introduce the saga of Marine Corps. General “Hoss” Cartwright.

https: // for the high pass. Read it. You’ll see….

Starts as a Butter Bar 2nd Lieut. and made it all the way to full Flag General and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (W Bush Appointment).

Gotta toss a whole lot of salads and toe the line to make it that high up. The guy had game. He almost made Chairman of JCOS under Obama, but somehow fell out of favor, yet Republicans at the time painted him as one of Obamas todies…it’s difficult to call where he falls. This won’t be the first time it becomes hard to tell if he’s Blackhat or White Hat. Murky. Stay with me….

In between all this, He was Acting Commander of US Strategic Command. That’s a Joint Command. He was a driver in Cyber Command. That’s important. He was in charge of an Intel Org and FULLY KNEW THE RULES OF CLASSIFIED MATERIAL SECURITY AND THE RULEZ. NO EXCUSE.

Why did I point his tale out?

It involves some of our favorite actors.

• General with an intel background

• Obama

• Bush the Liddle

• Iran

• Israel

• Our BIG Favorite at the DoJ, Rod Rosenstein!

• A new leading Lady Kathryn Ruemmler, Obama WH Council

• A new soon to be big favorite as we move into the Iran phase of the Q Quest STUXNET

• New York Times and Wapo

It involves some of our favorite story arcs, too.

• Leaking of highly classified documents, intel, methods and sources to the media.

• Lying to the FBI

• Possible Israeli backstabbing

• The Iran Nuclear “DEAL”

• Failure of the DoJ to prosecute a leaker that they had absolutely busted, dead to rights.

• And a little #Metoo hanky panky just for color

And a new concept in Law, Legal Defense and an EXCUSE TO NOT SEEK CHARGES, EVEN THOUGH THE PERP FUCKIN’ CONFESSED! Not only did he confess, the motherfucker PASSED OUT during his interview with the FBI when confronted with his crime.

I shit thee not.

Any…this new concept (new to me, anyway…maybe you’ve seen it on digs) that I’d like to pass on is referred to as “GreyFare” Sort of a play on LawFare, it goes something like this. We’ve got someone dead to rights on a classified leak charge. The defense is like, hey! – that’s fine, have at it, but what about all that Classified Info, Sources, Methods and Ally Concerns when this comes out in discovery in court?

(This is horseshit. We have prosecuted huge spy and classified leak cases. We did such a good job in one case we sent the couple to ride the lightening in the electric chair, so DON’T BUY this shit they are peddling.0

Sounding Familiar?

So the DoJ punts!…..they go with the lesser process charge of lying to the FBI.

Sound Familiar? It should…

Let me know you thoughts and if you’d like me to continue.

I think this is an important dig because it tears a page right out of the DoJ Playbook and gives a shitload of insight into how the DoJ operated, most notiably Rosenstein. This is the exact shit they are trying to make fly with Hillary and her merry gang of traitors and criminals.

Oh…I forgot the BEST PART…

Soweto….PARDONS THE GENERAL. Yup. Obama makes it all go bye bye.

So…fellow Fags…Let me know what you think and if you find it interdasting.

At hat tip from Q wouldn’t hurt. I know you cant say much but Ack alone would let me know if I should pour more activated almond oil into the effort. Some indication of Hoss’s place on the Blackhat-Whitehat spectrum would be particularly helpful. It may be more shades of grey…but leaking class docs and lying isn’t behavior one admires in a Marine, 4 star gen at that….

I’ll need help mining.