Anonymous ID: e9e54c June 23, 2018, 1:41 p.m. No.1878170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8199 >>8438 >>8636 >>8871

Trump: Only Workable Immigration Solution Is To ‘Detain, Prosecute, and Promptly Remove’ Anyone Who Crosses Border


During Saturday’s Weekly Address, President Trump discussed immigration and said that the “crisis of illegal immigration” can only be solved by Congress “and the only solution that will work is being able to detain, prosecute, and promptly remove anyone who illegally crosses the border.”


Transcript as Follows:


“Our country is currently facing a crisis of illegal immigration on our southern border. Democrat-supported loopholes in our federal laws have enabled roughly half-a-million illegal immigrant family members and minors from Central America to be released into the United States since 2014, at unbelievably tremendous taxpayer expense.


While illegal aliens can only be held for a period of days or weeks, it can take years to move their cases through the legal system to actually try to send them back to their home countries. It is a ridiculous process. For example, of the removal orders issued for unaccompanied alien children over a recent two-year period, 90% were done in absentia, that means they weren’t there and they never showed up for their removal hearing. What else is new?


The United States could not have an open border to every illegal alien family and minor on the face of the earth. We must have rules. We must have laws. And we must enforce those laws. The driving factor in the surge of illegal families and minors is the belief that there will be no consequence for illegal entry and no likelihood of removal or reprisal.


Unfortunately, open border Democrats support the loopholes that prevent families from being detained and removed together. They just want everyone to be released into our country, no matter how dangerous they are. They can be killers. They can be thieves. They can be horrible people. The Democrats say it’s okay for them to be in our country. I don’t think so.


Congress and Congress alone can solve the problem, and the only solution that will work is being able to detain, prosecute, and promptly remove anyone who illegally crosses the border. Remember this, we need Democrat votes. Without the Democrats constantly obstructing, there’s no way you can do it. Without having Democrats voting, there is no way you can get this done. So, the Democrats are obstructing. The Democrats don’t want border security. The Democrats are okay with crime, but we’re not okay with it. We need Democrat votes. Without it, frankly, nothing can be done.”

Anonymous ID: e9e54c June 23, 2018, 1:45 p.m. No.1878210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8438

Syrian government forces besiege US base in al-Tanf


Syrian government forces have reportedly encircled a US military base at the al-Tanf border crossing with Jordan, after recapturing large parts of the Badiya region from Daesh.


As part of an anti-terror operation that was launched from the Hamimeh region in southern Aleppo and the second and third oil pumping stations in Badiya a few days ago, Syrian forces and allied popular fighters liberated an area that ran 45 kilometers wide and 60 kilometers deep towards the border with Iraq. The area includes the city of Abu Kamal and US base of al-Tanf, sources on the field reported Friday.


The US is believed to be regularly training terrorists at the base.


Washington described the area, which lies at the ultra-strategic intersection of the Syrian, Iraqi, and Jordanian borders, as its “red line.”


The US has unilaterally declared a 55-kilometer red zone around the base, and threatened to target Syrian forces within the area.


The cordoned off area also contains the Rukban refugee camp, which according to Syrian and Russian officials is home to terrorists, including those of al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat Fateh al-Sham.


Tensions have been running high between American and Syrian forces in the region following several US airstrikes on positions of pro-government forces.


The National Defense Forces, a popular militia supporting the Syrian government, announced Friday that US-led warplanes had bombed the Syrian army’s outpost in the village of al-Halba, 70 kilometers away from the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur) in Homs province.


“The combat planes belonging to the coalition led by the United States, attacked the army position in Jabal Ghurab, some 150 kilometers east of Palmyra near the border with Iraq,” a Syrian Arab Army commander told Russia's Sputnik.


“One serviceman was killed and several others wounded,” the unnamed official added.


According to the field commander, the attack was allegedly carried out when the army responded to US-led coalition’s attack on Syrian troops.


The Pentagon, however, denied the casualties and said that a US-backed anti-government militant group stationed in the al-Tanf base had engaged an “unidentified hostile force” outside a “deconfliction zone” around the base, forcing it to retreat.


The recent anti-terror operations in Homs, Dayr al-Zawr and the suburbs of the capital Damascus have seen over 4,500 square kilometers of the Syrian Desert being freed from the clutches of Daesh and other Takfiri terrorist groups.


The Syrian forces had earlier surrounded Daesh in Badiya region and forced the terrorists to retreat. The terror group has lost much of the areas it previously controlled in Syria and is now holding pockets of land in some desert regions.

Anonymous ID: e9e54c June 23, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.1878262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8438


UP is down left is right and the

Hegelian dialectic


Dem Sen Hirono: Trump Creates Problems, Blames Others, Then Uses Problem to Demand Legislation

Anonymous ID: e9e54c June 23, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.1878314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8336 >>8438 >>8636 >>8871

Explosion at campaign rally for Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa reportedly 'assassination attempt'

Anonymous ID: e9e54c June 23, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.1878338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8418 >>8438 >>8524 >>8636 >>8871

Turkish Presidential Opponent Sees TV Blackout of Huge Rallies Ahead of Vote


The primary opposition rival for the presidency of Turkey in Sunday’s election held final rallies in the nation only to see state-run telecommunications networks black out his events, said to be attended by millions.


Muharrem Ince, an increasingly popular presidential candidate running against three-time incumbent Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has seen his rallies censored even as his candidacy has gained strength over the past several months.


The June 24 elections for the both the presidency and the parliament will set the stage — according to Ankara experts — for the nation to rejoin the West, if the increasingly autocratic incumbent Erdogan can be prevented from attaining a fourth term, according to The Atlantic.


After rival presidential candidate Ince challenged Erdogan to a public debate — an event the incumbent has repeatedly avoided even as he moves to consolidate his power — the former's rallies, including Saturday's enormous turnout in the coastal Aegean city of Izmir which saw millions in support, have been scrubbed from Turkish national networks.


Erdogan will face his strongest challenge to date during the Sunday presidential vote, in an event that could shift the nation's system of governance from a parliamentary to a presidential system, a move by Erdogan that was narrowly approved in last year's referendum.


While speaking at a huge rally in Ankara on Friday, Ince, for his secular Republican People's Party (CHP), invited Erdogan to confront him.


'Tomorrow is the last evening. If you have the courage, confront me,' he said, cited by The Daily Mail.


But on Saturday, Ince discovered that his challenge would be met with silence, learning that opposition speeches would not be broadcast by the state-run Anadolu news agency and TRT television.


The opposition candidate quickly brought attention to ongoing "sabotage" of the CHP movement by Edrogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP).


Facing increasingly robust disapproval in his home country, the nation's incumbent strongman has seen opposition parties and groups forming anti-Erdogan alliances, even as Ince and his followers staged three packed rallies in just three days in Izmir and Ankara.


Ince appeared to taunt Erdogan's fear of debate, saying, 'Look, that's my last proposal to you. If you want, I can even cancel my Istanbul rally for you," according to the Daily Mail.


"Come, confront me," the opposition candidate suggested during his second huge rally in just two days, adding, "Let's debate on TV.'


Erdogan has notoriously refused to debate Ince or any other candidate, noting the likelihood that it could serve to undermine the strongman's power base.


"I don't want anyone to get points through me," the incumbent Turkish president — who is still polling to win — asserted.


Some Ankara analysts have noted that Ince's popularity could force Erdogan to run in a second election campaign on July 8.

Anonymous ID: e9e54c June 23, 2018, 2:29 p.m. No.1878715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8736





Two Boys Sue the U.S. Government for Separating Them From Their Fathers

Anonymous ID: e9e54c June 23, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.1878735   🗄️.is 🔗kun


New Jersey - Pedophile Bus Driver Arrested after Coercing Students to Produce Child Porn

Anonymous ID: e9e54c June 23, 2018, 2:35 p.m. No.1878769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8828 >>8856

FBI Gives Congress Thousands of Requested Documents on Russia Probe, FISA Abuse and Its Use of Informants


The FBI gave Congress thousands of requested documents on the Russia probe this week, including details on its use of spies and FISA abuse during the 2016 presidential campaign.


It took several months and threats of contempt and impeachment to get these documents from the FBI and DOJ.


Politico reported:


The FBI turned over thousands of documents to Congress this week, including details about its use of informants to glean information on Russian contacts with President Donald Trump’s campaign, according to letters the bureau sent to three GOP committee chairmen on Friday.


The documents provided this week include details about some of the FBI’s most sensitive programs, including a file on the FBI’s justification to obtain a court-authorized warrant to spy on a former Trump campaign aide in October 2016.



Files continued to arrive on Capitol Hill as late as Friday, according to the bureau, when the FBI submitted a classified letter to the House Intelligence Committee detailing whether the FBI relied on informants on Russian meddling prior to the official opening of its investigation.


Also on Friday, the FBI turned over more than 1,400 pages of documents to the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees relating to senior FBI or Justice Department officials’ requests to review or manage surveillance records that either involve or mention the Trump campaign or Trump administration.


The FBI did not hand over transcripts of summaries of the informants’ (yes, plural) conversations with Trump campaign officials. Instead, the Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats was tasked with getting those requested documents to Congress, according to Politico.


So far we know one of the informant’s identities.


The informant, Stefan Halper, was paid a total of $411,575 in 2016 and 2017 for work with the US government that included spying on the Trump campaign.


It was a lucrative business for Stefan Halper.


Hill sources are saying the FBI spy who infiltrated Donald Trump’s campaign in 2016, Stefan Halper bled information into Hillary’s phony dossier, reported Paul Sperry.


On May 21st, former Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo appeared on Fox News’ Ingraham Angle and dropped a bombshell–he said he was approached by a SECOND informant during the 2016 election.


The DOJ and FBI have been stonewalling on the requested documents relating to the informants, FISA abuse and phony dossier because it is a threat to the phony Mueller witch hunt.