Anonymous ID: 5731ca May 1, 2023, 3:27 p.m. No.18782442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2452 >>2473 >>2530 >>2543 >>2607 >>2730 >>2746

SICK: North Carolina’s Leading Medical Institutions “Duke, UNC, and ECU” Offers ‘Transgender’ Treatments to 2, 3, and 4 Years Old


Leading medical institutions in North Carolina are targeting extremely young children to begin transitioning, according to investigative journalist Sloan Rachmuth.


In 2015, Duke Medicine launched the Gender Clinic to provide a comprehensive range of treatments for children as young as two for gender dysphoria.


In 2016, the clinic’s director, transgender activist Dr. Deanna Adkins, spoke with the Charlotte Observer about her transgender pediatric patients.


“They are not old enough to consciously just choose to do that. … It is not a choice in any of my patients. It’s really an unpleasant thing to have going on in your body to feel that distress about yourself. I can’t imagine anyone who would choose to do that,” said Adkins.


Adkins wrote in her expert declaration to the federal district court in North Carolina, “From a medical perspective, the appropriate determinant of sex is gender identity.”


Adkins claimed that gender identity is “the only medically supported determinant of sex” and hence should be used as the primary foundation for identifying someone’s sex.


“It is counter to medical science to use chromosomes, hormones, internal reproductive organs, external genitalia, or secondary sex characteristics to override gender identity for purposes of classifying someone as male or female.”


In court testimony, Duke doctor Deanna Adkins detailed how she treats toddlers:


Before puberty, treatment does not include any drug or surgical intervention. For this group of patients, treatment is limited to “social transition,” which means allowing a transgender child to live and be socially recognized in accordance with their gender identity.


This can include allowing children to wear clothing, to cut or grow their hair, to use names and pronouns, and to access restrooms and other sex-separated facilities and activities in line with their gender identity instead of the sex assigned to them at birth. Social transition is a critical part of treatment of patients with gender dysphoria of all ages and it is the only treatment for pre-pubertal children.


In other health care, children as young as three can be evaluated for gender dysphoria at UNC Health. According to the website, they will work with UNC endocrinologists, family doctors, and surgeons who are ready to medically “affirm” the child’s gender.

Anonymous ID: 5731ca May 1, 2023, 3:31 p.m. No.18782455   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kirby Claims Whopping 100,000+ Russian Casualties In Bakhmut Alone


In a Monday press briefing National Security Council spokesman John Kirby issued a surprisingly high estimate of Russian casualties which he said took place since December fighting in the contested Donetsk city of Bakhmut.


He said Russian forces have suffered over 100,000 total casualties - including about 20,000 soldiers killed in combat and another 80,000 wounded.


He explained that these figures were based on "information and intelligence that we were able to corroborate over a period of of some time."


While presenting these figures he said that the Russian advance in Donetsk and Luhansk provinces had "failed" - despite most international estimates currently indicating Russia holds 80-90% of Bakhmut at this point.


"Most of these efforts have stalled and failed," Kirby said. "Russia has been unable to seize any real strategically significant territory. "


"The only area where Russia has made some incremental gains — and I want to focus on the word ‘incremental’ — is Bakhmut," Kirby acknowledged. "That really holds, as we've said before, very little strategic value for Russia. The capture of Bakhmut would absolutely not alter the course of the war in Russia's favor, and Ukraine's defenses in the areas surrounding Bakhmut still remain strong."


He also said that some half of the 20,000 Russians killed there had been fighting on behalf of Wagner.


"Folks he [Wagner Group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin] went knocking around on the doors in prison cells throughout Russia to throw human flesh at this fight," Kirby said of a months-long recruitment drive by Wagner, controversially focused on Russian prisons.


But when pressed, the NSC spokesman refused to give casualty numbers for the Ukrainian side. "I'm not ever going to put anything out in the public domain that's going to make their job harder," Kirby said. "They are the victims here. Russia is the aggressor."


While very clearly Bakhmut has for months been a tragic "meat-grinder" for both sides, the US could be offering this staggering and large Russian casualty count of 100,000 in order to establish a 'pyrrhic victory' narrative. Kirby admitted the Russians are winning in Bakhmut, but wants to paint a picture of it losing the overall conflict given the massive cost and sacrifice for Bakhmut.


But to keep this figure in perspective, which to most people is going to seem an extremely high estimate (and thus dubious), the total official American casualties in Vietnam were nearly 60,000 killed in action, and over 150,000 wounded - and that was after a decade of war.

Anonymous ID: 5731ca May 1, 2023, 4:06 p.m. No.18782620   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Corrupt Arizona Elections Officials Weaponize Sanctions Against Kari Lake, Abe Hamadeh, and Mark Finchem to Target Legitimate Claims and Discourage Election Challenges


Arizona’s elections criminals continue to weaponize court Sanctions and Motions for Attorneys’ Fees against their opponents for daring to question fraudulent elections and shady election procedures.


This is the tactic we have seen to stop election-related challenges dead in their tracks and “send a message” to or intimidate attorneys. This is all in the interest of the government ruling as the supreme authority on elections and suppressing the rights of citizens.


The Gateway Pundit reported just before Kari Lake’s historic trial in December that corrupt Obama Judge John Tuchi in Arizona ruled in favor of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and sanctioned Kari Lake and Mark Finchem for exercising their right to petition Maricopa County’s procedures before the election. Tuchi waited months until after the General Election was stolen to do this.


Tuchi even admitted that this order was intended to “send a message” to those who file what he considers “baseless” lawsuits in the future.


Kari Lake and Mark Finchem argued that the voting machines are “potentially unsecure, lack adequate audit capacity, fail to meet minimum statutory requirements, and deprive voters of the right to have their votes counted and reported in an accurate, auditable, legal, and transparent process.”


However, as we saw on Election Day in the Midterm Election, voting machine failures and tabulation issues led to massive and unprecedented voter disenfranchisement at the polls. It was an uncertifiable disaster on Election Day when voting machines and printers suddenly stopped working at 60% of voting centers the moment the polls opened. Republican voters were forced to wait in extremely long lines, turned away from the polls, or told to deposit their ballots in the questionable “box 3” for misread ballots.


Following the trial, Katie Hobbs and Maricopa County filed Motions for Sanctions and Applications for Attorneys’ Fees against Kari Lake and her attorneys. Collectively, the two parties were seeking over $600,000 to bankrupt Kari Lake’s legal fund and discourage another election lawsuit from ever going to trial.

Anonymous ID: 5731ca May 1, 2023, 4:10 p.m. No.18782638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2730 >>2746

2 more prosecutors resign from Gardner's office


Two assistant prosecutors in the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office have resigned after being summoned for contempt of court hearings, along with their boss, Kim Gardner.


Attorney Chris Desilets’ resignation is effective immediately. On April 27, Judge Michael Noble scheduled “indirect contempt of court” hearings for both Desilets and Gardner, after Desilets no-showed an April 10 court date for a shooting case.


The shooting case is about an Oct. 2020 incident in which an 11-year-old girl was struck by a stray bullet. Steven Vincent, 28, faces nine counts, including first-degree assault, for the shooting.


Desilets had another attorney pass a note to Judge Noble, explaining that he had to miss court for a doctor’s appointment.


Noble asked Desilets to appear in court on April 24 with proof of the doctor’s appointment and to reschedule the start of trial. However, Desilets no-showed that hearing as well, prompting Noble to summon both Desilets and Gardner. Prior to the judge handing down the contempt of court order, Desilets acknowledged he was handling around 100 active felony cases.


This is the second assistant prosecutor to resign in recent weeks. Natalia Ogurkiewicz resigned on April 15, citing a toxic work environment, an unbearable workload, and a lack of support. She had been working on the Daniel Riley case. He’s the man accused in the tragic crash which caused Janae Edmondson to lose both her legs.


However, our news partners at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported another assistant prosecuting attorney, Alex Polta, resigned last Friday. He’d been with the office since 2017. Polta was at the center of a separate contempt of court hearing for the circuit attorney’s office.


Polta had been assigned to the trial of Jonathon Jones, who was charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action for the Sept. 6, 2021, shooting death of Brandon Scott near the Gateway Arch.


The trial was scheduled to begin on April 17, but Polta no-showed. Judge Scott Millikan requested both Gardner and Polta appear in his court on April 24 to “show cause” why they shouldn’t be held in contempt.


Polta informed Judge Millikan that he provided a medical note to the circuit attorney on April 9, showing that he needed extended medical leave. Gardner no-showed the April 24 hearing as well. Her outside counsel, Michael Downey, appeared on her behalf.


Ultimately, Milliken opted not to hold Gardner and Polta in contempt of court, saying it’s a very high bar to clear, and that it is not met by evidence, instead suggesting an office in chaos rather than one intentionally missing trials.


At this point, it’s unclear how many assistant prosecutors remain at the office.

Anonymous ID: 5731ca May 1, 2023, 4:18 p.m. No.18782675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2683

Missing Girls Bodies Among 7 Found In Oklahoma Hours After Amber Alert


Seven deceased individuals have been found on a property in Oklahoma as authorities have been investigating the disappearance of two teenage girls in the area, News On 6 reported.


The Okmulgee County Sheriff’s Office has identified two of the deceased as Ivy Webster, 14, and Brittany Brewer, 16, who were previously reported missing. The body of Jesse McFadden, who was last seen with the missing teens, was also discovered. However, the identities of the other four individuals have not yet been released.


According to the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Webster and Brewer were last seen in Henryetta, intending to travel with McFadden, Holly, and Tiffany McFadden to their ranch in McAlester. However, they never arrived at the location.


McFadden, a convicted sex offender, is facing charges of soliciting child pornography and was due to appear in court on May 1, but a bench warrant was issued for his arrest after he failed to appear.


The investigation is ongoing.