[Rom 1:25 NKJV] 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Don't sell yourself short. If the corrupt shitbags wanted to make things easy , they could. Just look at shitbag Hunter.
Fight the devil for Francis Eaton's sake
Francis Eaton, a young carpenter, celebrated his 24th birthday with his wife and their closest friends. He may not have known all of them but they were close — 130 people stuck on a wooden boat for a month whose total area was not much larger than my three-room ranch house. They would remain on the Mayflower for another three months until they finally landed at Plymouth Rock after weathering storms and setbacks.
Their faith in God was such that they truly believed they would survive a perilous journey across a storm-tossed ocean and settle an unknown land and establish a new nation based on religious freedom. In England, Puritans were considered deplorable. And Separatists puritans who had sought refuge in Leiden, Holland, as Eaton had, were considered outlaws.
meatball is kinda bud light gay in that clip