Once C_A always C_A?
Former C_A elected to Congress?
Former C_A running for Congress?
Former C_A running for Senate?
Former C_A elected to Senate?
Former C_A elected to Presidency?
Define ‘black op’ [clandestine]
Once C_A always C_A?
Once C_A always C_A?
Former C_A elected to Congress?
Former C_A running for Congress?
Former C_A running for Senate?
Former C_A elected to Senate?
Former C_A elected to Presidency?
Define ‘black op’ [clandestine]
Once C_A always C_A?
Couldn't you make as part of their punishment that they stand up and admit to EVERYTHING live on camera.
This bitch hit the lottery
Hunter Biden Reveals He Pays Ex-Stripper Fling $20k Per Month for Love Child as He Fights to Reduce Payments
Shouldn't there be a cap on child support, this is ridiculous.