Anonymous ID: 3cc5cb May 1, 2023, 5:41 p.m. No.18783015   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WOW! Cocky Dominion Voting Machine CEO Reportedly Brags About Getting Tucker Carlson Fired…Claims Dominion Wants Tucker’s Text Messages About Fox Executives Unredacted


For over two years, FOX News and voting technology company Dominion have been engaged in a legal battle over alleged defamation claims that the media giant made regarding the company’s technology in the 2020 election.


100 Percent Fed Up reports – Dominion has been at the center of a number of election fraud-related controversies and has been criticized by top conservative lawmakers and conservative media.


The trial, which was only in its beginning stages, resulted in multiple key admission from Dominion, including that the company warned election officials of ‘major security issues’ in the runup to the 2020 Presidential election.


On April 16, FOX News settled with Dominion for $787.5 million in relation to the defamation claims.


The amount is less than half of the $1.6 billion that Dominion initially sought in 2021 when they filed the lawsuit.


FOX News, for its part, contended that it did not make false allegations about Dominion and was simply repeating what politicians such as President Trump said about the voting technology company.


Dominion claimed that FOX’s broadcasts harmed the company’s reputation.


The agreement to end the case avoided what most experts suggested would have been a damaging, high-profile trial for the conservative channel in which owner Rupert Murdoch would have been compelled to testify in open court.

Dominion CEO John Poulos is now reportedly bragging about how Tucker Carlson was fired as a result of their settlement with Fox News.


Daily Mail reports that Dominion says they’re hoping all of the text messages between Fox News hosts, including Tucker Carlson, that they discovered as part of their defamation lawsuit will one day become public.


As part of the lawsuit discovery, Dominion’s lawyers uncovered texts in which Fox hosts and journalists seemed to acknowledge that the fraud claims were not true or farfetched but gave them airtime anyway.


In their first interview since the lawsuit was settled unexpectedly, Dominion’s CEO John Poulos and Stephen Shackelford, a lawyer who was involved in the case, told Axios they now want the full record to become unredacted.

Dominion Voting Machine CEO John Poulos


“Dominion did not insist on them firing Tucker Carlson as part of the settlement. But the very fact that that’s what resulted out of all of this, and it’s traceable from the work that Dominion set in motion.. of course, I know what’s in the redacted stuff, and I can’t say anything about it. I hope that it all gets un-redacted at some point,” Shackelford, a partner at Susman Godfrey LLP, told Axios.

Anonymous ID: 3cc5cb May 1, 2023, 6:06 p.m. No.18783139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3146 >>3254 >>3268 >>3282 >>3303 >>3505

Pelosi calls Republicans 'losers' during interview with LGBTQ+ news website


During an interview with the LGBTQ+ news website the Advocate, Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California called Republicans "losers."


Pelosi, who previously served as House speaker, made the comment after interviewer John Casey claimed that there is "hateful legislation in state Houses all over the country" and that Republicans are engaging in "dangerous rhetoric."


"I think they're losers. They're losers. They're losing on guns. You know, we still don't have the legislation we want, but the public is not really with them with all these mass shootings going on," Pelosi said, according to Casey, who characterized the printed version of their exchange as "an edited and condensed version" of their discussion.


"They're losing on women's right to choose, which is a losing issue for them and was during the last midterm election. So, what do they have? So now they turn to the trans and drag communities because they think that that has some salience. I don't know, does anybody really think that the drag issue is a threat? Of course not, so they're going to lose on that too," the long-serving congresswoman said.


Regarding drag queens Pelosi said, "I'm happy to do whatever I can to support them."


She has indeed been an outspoken supporter, even making appearances on "RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars."


According to a 2018 Hollywood Reporter piece, when asked what politicians can learn from drag queens, Pelosi replied, "Authenticity. Taking pride in who you are. Knowing your power — that’s what I talk about on my brief segment on the show. This idea of people believing in themselves, being themselves, taking pride in themselves, is not just a lesson for politicians but for everyone in the country. And that’s why I was so excited and couldn't resist being on the show."


Pelosi, who has served in the U.S. House of Representatives for more than 35 years, holds the distinction of being the first and only woman ever to have served as House speaker.

Anonymous ID: 3cc5cb May 1, 2023, 6:09 p.m. No.18783160   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Transgender reporter tries to defend Chelsea Clinton and inadvertently proves she's pushing 'porn' for children in public schools


A far-left transgender reporter was mocked and ridiculed after she inadvertently proved critics of Chelsea Clinton right after she criticized restrictions on controversial LGBTQ books in public schools.


Clinton waded into the contentious debate over inappropriate books about gender and sexuality in libraries meant for children, and a reporter from Media Matters for America came to her rescue.


"Over 50% of the attempted book bans last year involved books with LGBTQ+ characters & themes. Books are a vital way that children, adolescents and adults learn about themselves and our world. Bans such as these are nothing but harmful," Clinton tweeted with an article about the book restrictions.


In the thumbnail of the image was prominently displayed a controversial book entitled, "Gender Queer," a book that has been targeted by those opposing inappropriate LGBTQ books for children.


The book is described in the NBC News article as a chronicle of "nonbinary author Maia Kobabe’s journey of self-identity," but it doesn't mention a very graphic scene of oral sex in the book, a graphic novel.


The article does quote Kobabe as saying that the book's message is "vital" and "lifesaving" for some children, even though Kobabe admits that some parts are not appropriate for grade school children.


When Clinton was called out by Seth Dillon of the Babylon Bee, the Media Matters LGBTQ director reflexively defended her.


"Chelsea Clinton has come out in favor of porn for kids," tweeted Dillon.


"Weird way to tell us you’re yanking it to children’s books, Seth," responded Ari Drennen.


Dillon then posted a page of the very graphic sexual imagery from the book that Chelsea Clinton was supporting, and Drennen called it out for what it was.


"Imagine how sick and depraved you have to be to call this a children's book," replied Dillon.


"Hey Seth I think you meant this for my DMs, you just sent me an unsolicited drawing of a blowjob," Drennen tweeted.


"So your position is that you’re sexually harassing another man and you think that will go over better with your audience? Stop sending me this stuff Seth, it’s creepy," Drennen said in another tweet.


In 2021, the book was targeted by critics after it was found at the library of the Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia. The author defended the book by citing ancient Greek poetry and pottery art.