Q Team and PDJT:
Remember, Q Team is anonymous and POTUS is protected by an army. We are not and have never been anonymous to the DS since serving on 911. As proof, I was invited to work for Salomon Brothers at $350k, starting on 9-10-2001. We now realize that we have been under low level chemical attacks since then which impairs every aspect of one's anatomy specifically vision and acuity. Since December they have upped the anti and now use sophisticated radiation weapons, barrage more potent chemicals, and now they can spray chemical mists afar and even shoot these chemicals like a gun. I have to spend hours pulling out chemical shrapnel from my eyes every time I cut my lawn and just last week, my wife got shot on the leg just walking up the driveway. She blames me for all these problems because I picked a fight with the cabal who controls everything, have all the money, and are and can buy ruthless sabotagers and murderers that no one is willing to confront. You should have sent serious help a long time ago, you could at least answer us!
Define: Comfy.