>I see it now.
wait until someone posts the same exact thing as you before you post it….talk about mind blown
>I see it now.
wait until someone posts the same exact thing as you before you post it….talk about mind blown
kinda makes you think how far quantum computing has really gone…and this sudden burst of normalizing AI as if its the best thing ever….from my experience anything that seems new has been in R&D for many years by alphabets and is far more advanced than civvies can understand…
>>18783986 sorry
>>18783995 meant for >>18783987
ip hopped too many times….damn you vpn!!!
and yes follow ups and medicine was given, but end result was death…
> "if you've seen it on Star Trek we got it"
it's actually worse than that…believe it or not….and no we cannot do warp speed through galaxies..yet…it's not exactly what you see it's more of the idea
>Board acting funky
sorry, prolly my connection
on watch atm
it will correct itself…just don't click on shit
Einstein wasn't wrong you know
>Read a book, nigger.
okay, because a book is actual fact right? and not putting hypothesis and theories in actual physical motion and making them work…maybe not exactly, but the foundation was given
get a brian moran cunt
>I am a stupid nigger that can't read
Hey glowie
I start speaking truth and this is their response? HA! try harder
you don't understand how anonymous works I'm guessing…because if you did…then you'd KNOW
your response exactly….yawn
>no actual digs
pick something to dig….not much happenings that hasn't already been dug…..SSDD
>Respond like a man
>what is the big habbening that made Mr. Trump go to Scotland?
coronation…I posted this earlier today
the most historic UK coronation in modern history happening this Saturday
why aren't anons digging this subject?
the guy who's supposed to carry the king's scepter, wife dies suddenly and no one digs?…shame shame shame
not just that but the whole coronation ceremony and what's actually happening…
here's a start
>So complain when others don't.
isn't that what this board is about…
seems to be a lot more shitposters than anons lately…and there is a reason for that…..notables here are usually days old now, hmmm….where did all the oldfags go…
>Nobody really cares.
typing in a statement online to prove a point is like breaking up with your girlfriend in a text message…say that shit in public dumb fuck….there's the problem, everyone's scared
yea…I migrated back there during the initial "Russia Invasion"…they were on point with that shit….and anons here were fighting over anime bullshit
See you fuckers should've been diggin on the coronation
PDJT being in Scotland now would've been no shock to anons before…now it's like "holy shit he's in Scotland all of sudden…why?!?!"
shame shame shame
kinda makes you think if perhaps someone else went back there like old times
wouldn't surprise me
most definitely worth checking out
> the Royal family will be dead
American Democracy as seen by the world will be dead
pulling the mask off hurts
Tato is invited…just won't be able to attend btw
>the world already sees American Democracy as being dead
but they love our taxpayer dollars don't they…
here's an interesting coronation dig too [pic rel]
hey at least I'm contributing to the bread now….would you rather I ip hop to make you feel better cunt
this is how QR is supposed to be, feels good in here tonight
anons discussing current events and Q drops
fuck off faggot
>Why didn’t he just marry he
this is how we did it in the old days…we dug and posted our digs for others to discuss and dig on….
if you have a question…dig first, post your findings, then ask…it's actually pretty rewarding in the end
>make it obvious that you aren't predicting anything. ; )
not a prophet
and not a follower, ore or less am trying to guide the new generation…combination of shitposts and knowledge…seems mostly the shitposts get more action…