Anonymous ID: 70b7f9 May 2, 2023, 6:37 a.m. No.18785182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5441 >>5566 >>5656 >>5701

2 May, 2023 07:41

Germany explains limits imposed on Ukraine

Berlin wants to prevent a direct clash between NATO and Moscow, Olaf Scholz tells voters


Germany has told Ukraine not to target Russian territorywith weapons that IT has supplied to Kiev, Chancellor Olaf Scholz outlined on Monday.


HE added that Berlin has not taken any unilateral steps when it comes to arming Kiev and is only acting in coordination with ITS allies, during a town hall meeting in the western state of Rhineland-Palatinate. Scholz insisted that his government intends to stick to that policy in the future.


“It’s important for us thatweapons that we supplyfor Ukraine to defend itselfaren’t used in attacks on the Russian territory,” the chancellor said. However he didn't explain his definition of Russian territory and whether he means the country's 1991, 2014 or 22 borders.


While assisting Kiev with arms, including Leopard 2 main battle tanks, Berlin is also doing everything to avoid an escalation that could lead to a direct clash between NATO and Moscow, Scholz stressed.


Last month,German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius argued that it was “fully normal” for Ukraine to carry outstrikes inside Russia to “cut supply routes” and for other military reasons. He stressed that civilians should not be targeted in those attacks. Pistorius also said nothing about the origins of weapons that can be used by Kiev in such operations.


Since the start of the conflict in February 2022, the Russian regions of Bryansk, Belgorod and Kursk, all of which border Ukraine, have been the targets of numerous drone and missile attacks by Kiev’s forces. The strikes have been directed against energy infrastructure and residential areas, resulting in several civilian deaths and many injuries, and the destruction of property.


One of the deadliest cross-border attacks took place in Bryansk Region on Sunday, with the shelling of the village of Suzemka from a multiple rocket launch system leaving four civilians dead and two others wounded.


Moscow has long been warning that it considers the use of Western-supplied weapons byUkraine for attacks inside Russian territory “a red line.” Russia also argued that the crisis in Ukraine is actually a “proxy war”waged against it by NATO. According to Moscow, the assistance provided to Kiev by the US, UK, Germany and their allies, including the supply of arms and ammunition, training for Ukrainian troops, and intelligence sharing, has de facto made those nations parties to the conflict.


Ukraine fatigue is accelerating.

Anonymous ID: 70b7f9 May 2, 2023, 6:44 a.m. No.18785193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5197 >>5218 >>5441 >>5566 >>5656 >>5701

2 May, 2023 11:47

Ugandan minister shot dead – media

Charles Okello Engola was killed by his bodyguard while getting into his car on the way to a cabinet meeting


Ugandan Minister for Labor, Employment and Industrial Relations Charles Okello Engola has been shot dead, local media reported on Tuesday, citing a police statement.


Engola was killed by his bodyguard, a soldier from the Ugandan National Army, at his home in Kyanja, near Kampala, on Tuesday morning, deputy police spokesperson Luke Owoyesigire told the Daily Monitor.


The shooter, identified as Wilson Sabiti, reportedly fled the scene before entering a shop and killing himself.


The motive behind the shooting is still unclear, and it is not known whether there had been an altercation between the soldier and the minister before the incident. However, Latif Ssebagala, a former Kawempe North legislator, claimed eyewitnesses had told him the bodyguard killed his boss over unpaid wages.


“The residents were saying that the man was saying, ‘I’m tired; I’m demanding my salary; I’m not paid. I’m living in a very worried state,’” Ssebagala said, providing an account of the circumstances surrounding the shooting.


Police have yet to confirm whether there were any other victims, according to local media.


“We are also trying to establish if there were any bodyguards who could have been injured,” police spokesperson Fred Enanga said, as quoted by the Daily Monitor.

Anonymous ID: 70b7f9 May 2, 2023, 6:53 a.m. No.18785212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5441 >>5566

1 May, 2023 16:57

EU state’s chief prosecutor targeted by bomb attack

The Bulgarian authorities have vowed to find the culprits behind the roadside bombing


Bulgarian prosecutor-general Ivan Geshev was the target of an assassination attempt on Monday morning, authorities in Sofia have said. A roadside bomb detonated as Geshev’s motorcade was driving by.


The incident happened at around 11:45 local time, as Geshev was returning to Sofia from nearby Samokov. As his motorcade made a tight turn, the bomb planted by the side of the road went off, Deputy Prosecutor General Borislav Sarafov told Bulgaria’s BNT TV.


According to Sarafov, the bomb was “intended to kill, not to intimidate.” He said the device was stuffed with shrapnel and had the equivalent of 3 kilograms of TNT in explosives. The explosion left a crater four meters wide and 40 centimeters deep, but “miraculously”no one was injured.


The Interior Ministry has opened a terrorism investigation, and vowed to track down the perpetrators. “The threat to the life and health of every Bulgarian citizen is unacceptable, and our actions are and will be in defense of the people,” said the ministry’s chief secretary, Petar Todorov.


Geshev has been Bulgaria’s chief prosecutor since November 2019. Before that, he was deputy chief prosecutor, and head of the special prosecutor’s office. Both his appointment and his tenure have been marked by controversy, however.


His appointment was met with mass protests, asBulgarian NGOsaccused Geshev of being morally unfit for the job, engaging in political prosecutions, and violating the separation of powers. One political scientist dubbed Geshev the “gravedigger of Bulgariandemocracy.” (Terrorists love to misuse that word)


President Rumen Radev initially vetoed his appointment, but was overridden by the judicial council. Geshev spearheaded the raid on Radev’s office in 2020, triggering another round of protests against both the prosecutor and the government of PM Boyko Borisov. The European Parliament endorsed the protesters and criticized Bulgaria for “a significant deterioration in respect for the principles of rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights.”


The prosecutor also drew fire from the US in 2022, afterrefusing to enforce the Global Magnitsky Act. Geshev had called the American law an “administrative and political tool” of Washington, which had no legal weight in Bulgaria.(good for him)


(US promoting another coup, they send their NGOs in to create more violence and terrorism)

Anonymous ID: 70b7f9 May 2, 2023, 7:03 a.m. No.18785247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5296 >>5441 >>5450 >>5566 >>5656 >>5701

2 May, 2023 07:06


More British elderly can’t afford to retire – research


The cost-of-living crisis is forcing people to work beyond the age of 70, new data suggests


An increasing number of older people in the UK are being forced to postpone retirement and continue working as a result of the cost-of-living crisis, new research has suggested.


Thenumber of individuals aged over 70 who are still working jumped by 61% last yearcompared to a decade ago, according to Rest Less, an online community that offers advice to older workers.


The data released ahead of International Workers’ Day suggests thatmore than 446,600 people over 70 had yet to retire last year, which compares to 277,926 in 2012.


“We see many older workers today who are struggling to make ends meet amidst the cost-of-living crisis, with inadequate retirement savings meaning they must work in order to survive financially,” said Stuart Lewis, the chief executive of Rest Less.


The cost of living has risen sharply in the UK over the past two years. Theannual rate of inflation peaked at 11.1% last October, a 41-year high, before easing in subsequent months. In March it was 10.1%, the seventh successive month of double-digit inflation, according to official data.


The currentretirement agefor men and women in theUK is 66 but it will gradually increase to 68 by 2046.

Anonymous ID: 70b7f9 May 2, 2023, 7:07 a.m. No.18785266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5273 >>5276 >>5441 >>5566 >>5656 >>5701

President Trump Travels to Scotland to Cut Ribbon for New Golf Course in Aberdeen


May 1, 2023 | Sundance | 69 Comments

President Donald Trump continues living his best life even when surrounded in the U.S. by globalist jackals and political hyenas. President Trump traveled to Scotland Monday to visit his property holdings and cut the ribbon on a new golf course in Aberdeen.


(Reuters) – Former U.S. President Donald Trump arrived in Scotland on Monday for a short trip to visit his golf courses in the country and in Ireland.


Trump, who has family roots in Lewis, an island off the northwestern tip of Scotland, owns two golf courses in Scotland – one north of Aberdeen and the Turnberry resort south of Glasgow – as well as the Doonbeg golf resort in Ireland.


It’s great to be home,” Trump told reporters after disembarking from his plane at Aberdeen airport. “This was the home of my mother.”


Trump, who launched his election campaign last November for the 2024 U.S. presidential election, said on Sunday he was travelling to “see and inspect” his properties in Scotland and Ireland.


“Will be meeting with many wonderful friends, and cutting a ribbon for a new and SPECTACULAR Second Course in Aberdeen. Very Exciting,” the 76-year old said on his social media platform Truth Social. (read more)


Video of last visit with bagpipes to follow

Anonymous ID: 70b7f9 May 2, 2023, 7:09 a.m. No.18785276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5441 >>5566 >>5656 >>5701



Bagpipes and fanfare as former President Donald Trump arrives at Aberdeen golfcourse


The Scottish Sun

May 1, 2023



Former US president Donald Trump has arrived at his Aberdeen golf course to bagpipers playing We Will Rock You, a singer, and American and Scottish flags.


Mr Trump said on Truth Social – the platform he owns – he was going to the Menie estate site near the city to open a “spectacular” second course.

Anonymous ID: 70b7f9 May 2, 2023, 7:19 a.m. No.18785312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5317 >>5332 >>5441 >>5566 >>5656 >>5701

FISA 702 Reauthorization Scheduled for This Year – Here’s Why It Must Be Opposed

May 1, 2023 | Sundance |

This is a repost of an earlier outline from last week, you’ll soon see why refamiliarizing yourself with the details is important.

Office of Inspector General Michael Horowitztestified April 27, 2023, that more than 3.4 million search queriesinto the NSA database took place between Dec. 1st, 2020 and Nov. 30th, 2021, by government officials and/or contractors working on behalf of the federal government. These search queries were based on authorizations related to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

[OIG Testimony HERE]

Approximately30% of those 3.4 million search queries were outside the rules and regulationsthat govern warrantless searches, what the politically correct government calls “non-compliant searches.” That means more than 1 million searches of private documents and communication of Americans were illegal and outside the rules.

Additionally, IG Horowitz also admitted thatsomewhere north of 10,000 federal employees have access to conduct these searches of the NSA database; a database which contains the electronic data of every single American, including emails, text messages, social media posts, instant messages, direct messages, phone calls, geolocation identifiers, purchases by electronic funds, banking records and any keystroke any American person puts into any electronic device for any reason.

If we were in a functioning system of government everything would be stopped right now, and no conversation would be taking place that was not about this issue. This is the total and complete surveillance state being talked about as if we were discussing what’s for dinner.

This is beyond jaw-dropping.

Context: In 2018 CTH revealed through research of their own documents that FBI and DOJ/FBI contractors had done more than 1,000 illegal searches using the NSA database, targeting Republican primary candidates from November 2015 through May 2016. These stunning admissions were from the DOJ’s own reporting to the FISA court.

Few were paying attention.

Although the number of the illegal search queries were redacted, we know the number is four digits from the size of the redacted text. More than 1,000 and less than 9,999.

FAST FORWARD TO 2023 – April 27, 2023, IG Horowitz outlined that more than 1.1 million illegal searches of this database were conducted in 2021 during the first year of the Joe Biden administration.

Additionally, and perhaps more consequentially, to give scope to how the process of total domestic surveillance has expanded, Horowitz now admits in 2021 the number of federal government employees with access to this total metadata collection system now exceeds 10,000 people. STOP THE PRESSES!

Yes, congress is talking about this ‘as if’there is some level of importance.However, the basic questions are not being asked, or have perhaps just become so accepted that legislators have become oblivious to the insanity of it. Beyond the blood boiling questions about searching the NSA database, questions like:

In order for these search queries to take place, there has to be a housing facility to capture it.

• Where is all of this electronic data being stored?

• Why is all of this electronic data being stored?

• Who is in control of this all-encompassing electronic data collection?

• Forget the searches for a moment, what act of congress authorized the capture of this private data collection? Essentially electronic intercepts of communication systems that flow throughout our life.

The background context here is congress debating the renewal of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the power of the DOJ and FBI to intercept American citizen communication and electronic data via the “702” authorizations, that permit the NSA database to be searched and queried.

If the inspector general is now admitting theFISA laws have been so comprehensively corrupted such that 3.4 million searches by more than 10,000 federal employees and government contractors now have access, there is no way that any reasonably intelligent person should support such reauthorization. Even contemplating this request is absurd, beyond absurd….

Anonymous ID: 70b7f9 May 2, 2023, 7:25 a.m. No.18785336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5346 >>5348 >>5350 >>5407 >>5441 >>5566 >>5656 >>5701

Fox News' Murdochs held phone conversations with Zelensky ahead of Tucker Carlson ouster: report

Hannah NightingaleMay 1, 2023

"His removal eliminated the most influential anti-war voice from TV."


It has been revealed that Fox Corporation Chair Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan spoke on the phone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky ahead of Tucker Carlson’s ouster from Fox News in April.


According to Semafor, the elder Murdoch held a call with the Ukrainian leader in March where the two discussed the war in the Eastern European country as well as the anniversary of the deaths of two Fox News journalists outside of Kyiv in March 2022.


A similar conversation took place between Zelensky and the younger Murdoch, Fox Corporation Executive Chairman, on March 15, which was noted in a national broadcast last month.


These phone conversations came weeks before the ouster of Fox News’ biggest star, an outspoken critic of America’s involvement in the war in Ukraine, Tucker Carlson.


One person familiar with the calls told Semafor thatSenior Ukrainian officials had raised their objections to Carlson’s coverage of the war to Fox Executives, but Zelensky did not address these objections during the calls.


"Clearly, he spooked a lot of members into not being fully supportive of Ukraine," one senior Republican congressional aide told the outlet. Carlson's ouster, the aide added, "probably reduces the loudest voice out there against US support."


Journalist Glenn Greenwald noted Carlson’s removal and his previous stances against the war.


"This article strongly suggests that the Murdochs talked to Zelensky, and Tucker's opposition to the US proxy war in Ukraine was a major factor in his firing. I'll await confirmation, but one thing is for sure: his removal eliminated the most influential anti-war voice from TV," he wrote on Twitter.


"From the start of Biden's war policy in Ukraine, the establishment wings of both parties were - as usual - in lockstep. Schumer and AOC have the same views as McConnell and Lindsey Graham," Greenwald added. "The only DC opposition came from the populist right, and Tucker was its key media voice."

Anonymous ID: 70b7f9 May 2, 2023, 7:27 a.m. No.18785351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5366 >>5441 >>5566

2 May, 2023 12:40


‘Bad weather’ delaying counteroffensive – Ukraine


Tanks can’t contend with the current muddy conditions, Kiev’s ambassador in London has claimed


Ukraine is holding off on its long-touted counteroffensive against Russia because it currently cannot use Western-provided armor due to bad weather, Kiev’s ambassador to the UK has claimed.


“Obviously, the weather is not allowing so far the heavy tanks to move in the Ukrainian usual spring mud,” Vadim Pristayko told Sky News on Tuesday.


The comments mirrored those made last week by Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov, who stated that Ukrainian forces were broadly ready for a push against Russia but needed “God’s will, the weather, and a decision of commanders.”


The US and its allies have sent dozens of main battle tanks and hundreds of armored vehicles to Ukraine to bolster the expected counteroffensive. While Western officials have argued that Kiev has all it needs for a successful operation, behind closed doors the American military has reportedly expressed doubts about Ukraine’s ability to break through Russian defensive lines.


Multiple Western media reports have suggested that the counteroffensive could be amake-or-break moment for the conflict, and thatKiev may find it difficult to secure further packages of military assistance unless it gains significant ground. Senior Ukrainian officials have criticized that notion, urging continued support regardless of the outcome.


Pristayko told Sky that Ukraine is targeting “a breakthrough offensive,” but at the same time cautioned that “too much hope is put on this one.”


The envoy accused Moscow of exaggerating its own military capabilities, citing the latest missile strikes against Ukrainian targets as an example.


Russians “are blowing it out of proportion reporting hundreds of rockets. In reality there were just dozens of them sent our way,” he insisted.


The claim that up to 100 missiles were launched in a recent attack by Russia appears to have originated from Ukrainian official Sergey Shakhet, police chief in Nikolaev Region. He shared the figure on social media on Monday, with Ukrainian media later disseminating it. TheRussian Defense Ministry did not mention the numberof weapons used in its own report on the strikes.

Anonymous ID: 70b7f9 May 2, 2023, 7:28 a.m. No.18785361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5441 >>5566 >>5656 >>5701

2 May, 2023 10:43

Russia estimates Kiev’s latest casualties


Over 15,000 Ukrainian troops were killed or injured in April, Defense Minister Shoigu claimed


The Ukrainian armed forces have sustained over15,000 battlefield casualties in April alone, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has estimated. Kiev does not report its military personnel losses and disputes assessments that it perceives as too high.


According to Shoigu, Ukrainian troops suffered heavy losses “despite unprecedented military assistance by Western powers.” The minister was reporting developments in the conflict on Tuesday, during a meeting of top military officials.


Neither Ukraine nor Russia offers regular updates on their own casualties. Washington’s evaluation on the tally of casualties came to light last month, after a trove of classified Pentagon assessments was allegedly leaked online.


One of the leaked documents described by The Washington Post said between 124,000 and 131,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed or wounded since the start of hostilities in February 2022.


Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov rejected this assessment, stating in an interview that the number of soldiers killed was smaller than the number of victims of the powerful quakes that hit Türkiye and Syria in February. He later apologized for the comparison, which some in the disaster-struck areas found distasteful. The combined tally of reported deaths from the quakes in the two countries surpassed 55,000.


The meeting attended by Shoigu was focused on military procurement and particularly on the supply of arms and munitions to Russian troops deployed against Ukraine. The minister said delivery levels were mostly sufficient but his department was closely monitoring producers for risks of failures in their contractual obligations. The Russian military was expecting a sharp surge in supply of precision weapons in the immediate future, the minister also announced.

Anonymous ID: 70b7f9 May 2, 2023, 7:54 a.m. No.18785487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5490 >>5494 >>5517 >>5566

Joe Biden BLOWS $50 billion on top consultants - three times the cost of Trump's border wall

By James Franey, Senior U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.Com 09:17 EDT 02 May 2023 , updated10:35 EDT 02 May 2023

Biden's administration has blown more than $50 billion of taxpayer cash - three times the cost of 's border wall - on top consulting firms since entering the .


A Daily Mail analysis of open-source U.S. government spending data shows that the 80-year-old racked up the eye-watering amount in just over two years on the job.


The figures could raise eyebrows amongst voters in key as ordinary Americans face a cost-of-living crisis and a rise in illegal immigration. The price tag is also roughly equivalent to the annual defense budget of NATO member France.


Trump also relied heavily on top consulting firms but the $66 billion his administration spent was across his four year stint as commander-in-chief.


With 20 months of Biden's first term left to run, his administration could end up spending more on consultants than the former president. Biden's consultancy bill comes amid a long-running row between Democrats and Republicans over increasing the US government's $31.4 trillion spending cap and possible budget cuts.


The biggest benefactor amongst some of the world's major consulting firms advising the U.S. government is Booz Allen Hamilton.


The long-time Department of Defense contractor has raked in $26.6 billion in public funds since the start of Biden's presidency.


In August last year, it began a four-year $108.8 million contract providing the U.S. air force with regular 'survivability and lethality analysis' for its Pacific fleet in Hawaii.


BAH chief executive Horacio Rozanski picked up an $11.8 million compensation package last year, according to the firm's filing with U.S. regulators. A spokesman for the Virginia-based corporation failed to respond to's request for comment. Pentagon officials declined to comment.


Accenture, another major recipient of Pentagon cash, won$11.5 billionin government contracts since January 2021.


Deloitte, a British-founded services and advisory firm, picked up roughly a fifth of its government contracts from the Department of Defense to the tune of$9.6 billionover the same period.


Former Trump administration official Joe Grogan told that 'there is a huge out-of-control industry around government contracts.' Grogan oversaw domestic healthcare spending of $1.3 trillion during his two-year stint at the Office of Management and Budget.


He served until January 2019 at the body that scrutinizes how public funds are used, under the former president. 'The knee-jerk response amongst various government agencies is that we will hire a consultant to tell us what to do rather than figure it out ourselves,' he said.


'It was like a joke. They would give presentations, often with beautiful PowerPoints,' the ex-director of Trump's Domestic Policy Council said. 'But you rarely had a plan of action.' 'If we have less resources that might force us to be more focused,' Grogan added. 'The government has got way too bloated and just has far too many things to do.'


Patrick Hedger, the executive director of the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, a pressure group against wasteful government spending, said: 'Why is it necessary for agencies with budgets measured in the tens of billions, if not hundreds of billions, to outsource so much work? It sounds like taxpayers are getting a bad deal.'


And a Republican source inside Congress described the huge sums paid out from the public purse as 'crony capitalism.'On his first day in office, Biden axed the nearly $16 billion dollars in funding for Trump's borderbarrier, $10 billion of which was drawn from the DoD's budget


He blasted Trump's flagship anti-immigration policy as 'a waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security.'


But more than 2.3 million migrants tried to illegally sneak into the United States across the Mexican border, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.


That is up from 1.7 million people in 2021 and just over 450,000 the previous year when much of the world was locked down during the coronavirus pandemic.


The surge in migrants crossing is expected to continue as a Trump-era diktat that it made it easier to boot out illegals will expire later this month.


Those emergency powers, known as Title 42, come from a 79-year-old federal law that the former president used from the start of the coronavirus pandemic.…

Anonymous ID: 70b7f9 May 2, 2023, 8:26 a.m. No.18785600   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Turnberry prepares for arrival of ex-President Donal Trump

By Chris Jewers For Mailonline 06:55 EDT 02 May 2023

Trump swings into action! Ex-President Trump tips staff in dollars then plays a round on the Turnberry golf course after arriving to beefed up security, pipers and staff in faux MAGA hat: Comes as NYC judge dismisses call for a mistrial in his rape case

Trump was spotted tipping a staff member at one of his two Scottish golf resorts today before swinging into action on the course.

The former president was greeted by staff - including chefs and security - who were waiting on the steps leading up to the hotel as he arrived at the Turnberry estate on Scotland's west coast earlier today.

Many were seen wearing red hats in the style of Trump's trademark MAGA caps, but instead they read 'We Made Turnberry Great Again'.

Trump himself wore a MAGA (Make American Great Again) cap as he shook hands with the staff and officials from the club, which his company purchased in 2014.

After spending some time in the hotel on the site, the embattled ex-president donned his golfing attire before hitting the course. He was spotted handing a small roll of dollars over to a caddy (despite Scotland using British pounds), before showing off his best swing on the famous course.

His arrival at Turnberry came after he opened a new course on the country's opposite coast which he named after his late mother, and as Scottish lawmakers were called upon to revisit a probe into how he was able to purchase the two resorts.The calls came as Trump is also facing mounting legal troubles at home, which have grown significantly since his last visit to Scotland in 2018 during his time as president - which saw a massive security breach.

His legal issues involve hush money payments to a porn star, as well as accusations of election interference and illegal retention of classified documents.

Trump, who is running for the Presidency in 2024, is on a two-day visit to Scotland where he opened a course at a second controversial golf resort in Aberdeenshire on Monday.

Trump, saying ahead of his arrival on his Truth Social platform that he was visiting the country to cut the ribbon on the 'spectacular' but controversial second golf course.

He and his son Eric arrived on Trump Force Once - his private Boeing 757-200 - and were greeted by two pipers, a red carpet and a 10-vehicle motorcade.

Before getting into a waiting car said: 'It's great to be home, this was the home of my mother'.

Pictures later showed him at the Menie resort sporting a blue, woolen bobble had over his distinctive yellow mop - shovel in hand - as he broke ground on his new course - named the MacLeod course, after his mother Mary Anne MacLeod.

She was born on the Isle of Lewis in the Western Isles before emigrating to the US.

Trump's company purchased Turnberry in Ayrshire in 2014 from a Dubai-based company for an undisclosed fee. Despite still being in the development phase, he purchased the Menie, Aberdeenshire resort back in 2006. The Scottish government decided not to pursue an Unexplained Wealth Order in relation to the purchase of the two resorts in 2021.

Yousaf, Scotland's justice secretaryat the time, told the country's parliament at the time that it would bean abuse of power to launch such a probe. According to The Herald, Trump - who in most other projects he bankrolls takes out large loans in order to finance them - instead spent more than £300 million in cash.

Neither of his two Scottish clubs turn a profit, the newspaper reports.

Now, the Scottish Liberal Democrats are calling on the investigation to look again at the purchases. Liam McArthur, the Liberal Democrat justice spokesperson, said: 'Donald Trump's previous visits have cost us millions in policing costs. They were the most expensive rounds of golf in history. (He was President, so yes that’s what happens.)

'The Scottish Government have refused to probe the finances involved in Donald Trump's purchase of the Turnberry golf course.

Meanwhile, it was revealed that Trump would be giving his only interview during his visit to the UK to GB News, and presenter Nigel Farage, a British broadcaster and former politician who was one of the main backers of the Brexit campaign. The interview will air at 7p.m. GMT on Wednesday, broadcast life from Turnberry, before he heads to his golf course at Doonbeg, Co Clare, on Ireland's west coast.

On Monday, pictures and video from his Menie resort - officially called Trump International Golf Links, Scotland - showed typical American fanfare associated with Trump's public appearance, with a Scottish twist….

Anonymous ID: 70b7f9 May 2, 2023, 8:42 a.m. No.18785646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5666


I suspect that interview will be played non stop throughout 2024, with the headline DHS director only knows the word “incredible”, does this convince you?


Kek Mayorkas always looks like he’s frightened or outraged


Save it anons they will try to erase it