Have you ever stopped to consider that Paul was wrong when he attempted to spread the teachings of jesus to the gentiles?
Wording it a bit differently; it isn't that the gentiles needed to be saved, but that the jews needed to be saved from the pharisee and/or the god of human sacrifice they were elevating to the role of the supreme divine (the creator of all)?
The second coming isn't necessary because the church fails to stop the antichrist before it needs to be restored. The church IS the antichrist that is the completed work of the pharisee. The "jews" who out-jew the totality of jews with their jewry.
Granted, paul didn't have ill intentions. Nor do many who are part of the beast of revelation. Arguably, even the whore of babylon doesn't have ill intentions. However, the beast is the beast and its nature is that of the scorpion stinging the frog so both drown.
The tribal gods have fallen before man and only the return of the divine can spare man the depths of hell. A far more robust view of the divine will come, one that can survive the scrutiny of the scientific culture and reign forever - not as "my sky daddy" - but as what reigns behind, beyond, and throughout all that was, is, and can ever be.
Seek first the kingdom.