Here we go
He is treating them as a group, that should piss of mexicans who are now associated with el salvadorian gangs
Copy pasta.
Yes, we should just shut up cuz it maybe a trap. Why dont we just give up cuz they scream louder
What about Merrill Streep cousin is not clear
Maybe not boom but alefantis also runs pizza, pelosi runs goat pizza, appears food places are some local operatives for cabal. Not sure that important for hen but who knows
She was prepared to sacrifice/transgender her child but times may have changed
Dig wherever you mind brings you, nobody is forcing you.
Yep, we go sometimes into absurd rabbit holes and sometimes even fetch gold. Other times we miss, the same as with any other research
Good job nasty anons
Thats what i thought too
Armenia is mostly christian, azerbaijan is mostly muslim. Srmenians have genocide issue in their genes, since its not acknowledged. Thats the main problem between them plus Nagorniy Karabach ( autonomous region belongs to Azerbaijan but is the sacred place for armenians historically. Also that autonomous region wants to be in armenia for years
His parents should be proud, college reject eith a lot of rage used by libs. Btw he is 18 already