Anonymous ID: bfceaf June 23, 2018, 3:32 p.m. No.1879334   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Love your spirit. Understand the point. I'm sure you understand we are at war. That is simple enough to understand. We declared it way back when Trump announced his candidacy, and it has only heated up ever since. If you are at all a student of history and of wars past, you should know that nothing ever goes 100% as planned. In some instances there are significant, painful losses (A Bridge Too Far…). Imagine how that must feel at the command planning level. In terms of the cabal, what you're seeing is pretty much all they have. Just panic, ignorance and lies. We are staring in the face of every evil enemy we've ever fought against.


Right now, all we have at this level in the chain of command is a front row seat. At the same time we've been asked to spread word of what the cabal has been and is up to. We've been given a lot by POTUS/Q. We are on the move. Should the time come when we are asked to join in actual fighting, it will be obvious. Exactly what that obvious go signal is, I don't know. In the meantime, we just have to sit in our bunkers, dig, meme and pray.


That said, a few days ago I felt almost exactly as you do, but then I had time to think about it after reading a number of comments and stepping back. There are a lot of useful idiots on the Q research boards, but you don't sound like one. I'm tasking you to keep your powder dry, stay frosty, and in the meantime focus on a specific area of cabal research expertise/interest, dig, then share what you find.