Anonymous ID: e317ff May 3, 2023, 8:15 a.m. No.18790551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0578 >>0601




I know Q Team is still here because I know this board is an integral part of an ongoing military intelligence operation and the creators of this immense project would never abandon it mid-war.


I also know Q Team's still here because I recognize certain posts as coming only from people on the team. It has to be this way. This is real.


If this were not real, and we patriots were not in control, this board would have been nuked years ago. Same with Real Raw News. I believe that is a conduit through which real raw facts are being revealed in as close to 'real time" as possible, because we were told many times that we have moar than we know, andthe choice to know will be [ours].


So fight on, faggots. We got patriot shit to do.

Anonymous ID: e317ff May 3, 2023, 8:40 a.m. No.18790651   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm with you, Anon. Lynne Margulis was a professor at my alma mater, UMass, and she was once the darling of the Deep State (like many of us once were). She was married to Carl Sagan, after all, and was given the Presidential Medal of Science (whatever the fuck that is) by Bill Clinton in 1999.


Professor Margulis was a good little soldier for the Deep State. [THEY] loved her. She was the darling of the Deep State until she and other equally educated scholars started publicly questioning the official September 11th narrative and started using science to debunk this colossal deadly hoax that [THEY] perpetrated on the world.


Professor Margulis's Wiki page briefly says,"Margulis argued that the September 11 attacks were a 'false-flag operation, which has been used to justify the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as unprecedented assaults on […] civil liberties.' She claimed that there was "overwhelming evidence that the three buildings [of the World Trade Center] collapsed by controlled demolition".


Once Lynne Margulis publicly challenged the narrative she "suddenly" became afflicted with a "very aggressive" form of cancer and she croaked soon after her diagnosis.


Professor Margulis's ashes were spread around the Town of Amherst, after she died, so I frequently think of her and I thank God for her efforts every time I visit Amherst, as I still do, from time to time.


God bless all patriots who are spreading the truth, especially about atrocities like September 11th and the more personal attacks on our families at the local level, as many continue to do.


Our loved ones have been killed by [THEM] and some are still dying but fight this evil we must, because we are winning and, ultimately,God wins.





Anonymous ID: e317ff May 3, 2023, 8:46 a.m. No.18790673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0686 >>0725


Prove it, faggot. Tell me why it's still up, and has remained still up even when [THEY] have taken down nearly everything online that [THEY] can remove from the Internet in order to keep the sleeping sheep asleep?


Why is RRN still up?


You are a sheep of a different kind disparaging it because you clearly cannot comprehend the ramifications of logical thinking, let alone even perform any logical thinking of your own.


You really should go back to MySpace or Facebook, faggot.